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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Manchester United Foball supporter (13 Comments)
A typical football supporter everywhere in Europe! :-)
snoop-tom 184.35kb
3350 total
3.4 / 75 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
X(tras) Duck (10 Comments)
The X(tras) duck. He juggles when you get an IM.
infinity 430.69kb
1780 total
3.4 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
Adium Original Grape (1 Comments)
From the old xtras site.
The_Tick 49.83kb
250 total
3.5 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
30inches (4 Comments)
My first attempt to do a dock icon... Based on the incredible new 30 inch apple display. Please comment and suggest improvements!
pafmax 421.7kb
2768 total
3.4 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Tux Stuffs (2 Comments)
Pengiun face in the iChat bubble.
zydney.adam 353.5kb
830 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
iBubble Black Edition (1 Comments)
Introducing the iBubble Black Edition, based on the iBubble 4.
Iiro 313.91kb
1931 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Neko in Dock (6 Comments)
A little cat face I drew (With the mouse). Makes some funny faces.
infinity 479.27kb
2128 total
3.4 / 69 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Fuu - Samurai Champloo (3 Comments)
Made from screenshots and artwork from the anime Samurai Champloo. The alert icon is a 26 frame animation of Fuu dancing from the opening credits. Fixed the animation's extra frame.
asnel 1022.59kb
2541 total
3.5 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Adiumoticon! (5 Comments)
This is an official update of Adiumoticon! for Adium 2.0 done by the original author of the dock icon for the original Adium client. I added Connecting and Idle icons to the the set and worked out a new way to have a choice of alert...
methnen 321.28kb
1469 total
3.4 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Aqua Words (2 Comments)
From the old xtras site.
The_Tick 60.15kb
620 total
3.4 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
isQ icons (5 Comments)
Someone in the Adium Trac list asked for QQ support and mentioned "isQ" as the QQ messenger for Mac. (QQ (sometimes TM for Tencent Messenger) is the most common IM software in China) So I went to look isQ up on het net to see what...
Marius_Th 226.81kb
846 total
3.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Sandiumy (0 Comments)
A sandy coloured dock icon for a more subdued look or a nice day at the beach!
teejaysplace 371.78kb
1083 total
3.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Squidward Tentacles (4 Comments)
Squidward is a mean, whiny, stick-in-the-mud squid who thinks he's better than everyone else. Spongebob "friend"
osmala 204.35kb
2103 total
3.4 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Stars (2 Comments)
I wanted to add an icon with some stars on it, so here it is. hope you like it. description of pictures: 1- online. 2- offline. 3- away. 4- idle. when you get a msg, the stars from the online picture rotate around. When you...
littleeq 303.81kb
1599 total
3.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Adiumoses (1 Comments)
A Moses-like Adiumy, to sit next to Adiclaus v2 :-) The duck was originally created by Eugen Buzuk [I'm not good enough to create one from scratch :-) ], the attributes (hair, clothes, stick) were drawn by me.
auric 119.46kb
918 total
3.8 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Los Campesinos! dock icon (1 Comments)
The cover for "You! Me! Dancing!" by Los Campesinos! was just asking to be made into a dock icon i thought so here it is
blahblah12 276.16kb
113 total
3.8 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Super Mario World: Koopas (6 Comments)
another in the super mario world series, this complements my mario dock icon and smw sound set. this one features the beloved koopas, fully animated marching, flying, and shell-spinning in his tireless search for trouble. updated...
cortjezter 329.83kb
4713 total
3.4 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Smoothduck Orange (2 Comments)
Smooth Duck
beemer 148.52kb
1252 total
3.4 / 61 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Mr. Viking (3 Comments)
Description Created by Ostermann Vincent mail Title: Mr.Viking Toutes vos idées sont les bien venu ! C'est un viking comme tous le monde peut le voir selement très particulier... Grand...
The.Devastateur 1.77mb
471 total
3.5 / 26 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Tarakotchi (4 Comments)
Inspired by the Tamagotchi Connection, here is a Tarakotchi Dock Icon ! Enjoy ! Download the Tamagotchi icon sets for Mac OSX and PC from my website in the multimedia section !
joohliah 599.34kb
2110 total
3.6 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
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