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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Miss Nothing (6 Comments)
This script is designed to be put in your away messages (just add %missnothing to the the end) to pause iTunes tracks so that you miss nothing. (Hence the icon. This is what is known as a pune or play on words.) You may also want to...
BlueRevolution 121.45kb
1282 total
3.3 / 111 votes
(Ranking: 0.61)
YahooBuzz (11 Comments)
/buzz sends an ascii CTRL-G (BELL) character, which causes Yahoo! Messenger to "buzz".
michaelhauser 6.3kb
2917 total
3.1 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
Capitaine Haddock (12 Comments)
Les insultes et les jurons du capitaine Haddock ? port?e de souris, pour innonder vos interlocuteurs dans la bonne humeur ! (French insults from Captain Haddock, a character from the famous european comic "Tintin")
darkmok 14.03kb
2077 total
3.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Change Over Time (5 Comments)
The script in "Change Over Time (File)" allows you to specify a file on your computer from which to choose a random bit of text to insert. The script takes three arguments: 1) The path of the file on your computer (you can use "~"...
wbyoung 23.78kb
577 total
3.0 / 110 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Math (8 Comments)
Info updated for v1.1 %_math{ ArithmeticExpression } for use anywhere. /math{ ArithmeticExpression } for use at the start of a message only . returns the result of AritmeticExpression supports: +, -, /, ?, *, ^...
Hypercube 5.65kb
796 total
2.9 / 111 votes
(Ranking: -0.20)
Yahoo Auction Checker (2 Comments)
Just type /checkyahoofor{ item number } and the current stats of your Yahoo auction will be displayed in Adium.
ihaveabellybutton 9.8kb
356 total
3.3 / 66 votes
(Ranking: 0.55)
Capitals (6 Comments)
This script was conceived of by me, and written by Jack Gill. It can capitalize and uncapitalize words, phrases, or sentences, depending on what you input. /caps{ word or phrase } to CAPITALIZE /uncaps{ WORD OR PHRASE } to uncapitalize
czarlimit 7.43kb
716 total
3.3 / 76 votes
(Ranking: 0.56)
UnScript (7 Comments)
Announcement: As per the comments below UnScript will soon [Mods willing ;-)] be superceded by UnInstall ! UnInstall is now available . Moves selected AdiumScripts to the trash. Only allows removal of AdiumScripts in the...
Hypercube 7.02kb
374 total
3.2 / 92 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
One Line (6 Comments)
This is a modification of the %_statusMessage that will first off add a "- " to the front of the message so it's a bit kinder to MSN display names, and second of all (and most importantly I think) removes everything after the first...
tedger 5.1kb
804 total
3.2 / 86 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
Define It (25 Comments)
This script parses the pages and spits out the first definition for a word. Also provides a direct link to the definition page just in case the parsing doesn't work. Version 2.1 will give suggestions for typos. For...
jack 15.52kb
3073 total
3.4 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
Address Book (3 Comments)
This is a script for Adium that lets you save names, and phone numbers for later use. It's like the Apple Address Book, except it works with Adium. To run it, just type "/addressbook" (without the quotes). Version 2: Allows a home...
ihaveabellybutton 24.44kb
1031 total
3.0 / 87 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Current Page (7 Comments)
Adds link insertions support like %_safari for Camino, Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape users. Since none of these browsers support Applescript, these scritps are pretty much hacks, but the Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape scritps are ugly...
megalogeek 31.83kb
560 total
3.2 / 84 votes
(Ranking: 0.38)
Magic 8-Ball Script (5 Comments)
Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question and find what the future holds for you...7ha7z 73h 7h3orY 4nyw4yZ. Enjoy!
Reikon 5.38kb
2117 total
3.1 / 115 votes
(Ranking: 0.21)
Link Maker (9 Comments)
For all those times when file transfer doesn't work for whatever reason. This script will copy a selected file into your "Sites" folder and insert a nice link to it. For it to work, you need to have Web Sharing turned on in the...
jack 15.42kb
1335 total
3.4 / 117 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
My Jewish Mother (3 Comments)
It seems that when ever i talk to my mother, she says the same things. So now, I've just replaced her with an AppleScript. Trigger: /nudge{gender} where gender is either "m" or "f" I think this is about as much functionality as...
dcdave81 7.71kb
2204 total
3.1 / 66 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Print URL to current iTunes Track (12 Comments)
This script outputs a link to the currently playing iTunes track so your buddies can listen to the music you're listening to. Note: You must have an admin password and an internet connection that allows you to serve web pages. This...
jrigby 191.13kb
1269 total
3.1 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
talkfilters (8 Comments)
talkfilters is a wrapper to allow you to use the gnu-talkfilters in Adium. Wow your friends by speaking like the swedish chef, a valley girl, Ahhnold, GWB, etc. You'll need to have already installed the gnu-talkfilters. See...
davsans 27.7kb
657 total
2.9 / 52 votes
(Ranking: -0.17)
Set Idle (12 Comments)
This script is for pure avoidance of others. For instance, suppose there is someone you are trying to avoid and just plain don't want to talk to. But you don't want to block or ignore them. (This happens to me frequently.) So I wrote...
ipi37 3.23kb
2604 total
3.1 / 168 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
13375p33k (18 Comments)
Translates chat messages from normal English (or whatever language you use) into so-called " leet-speak ." Usage: /leet {stuff to make 'leet'} The curly braces are required . For more information on bugs (there's only one) and...
clawson 16.69kb
5646 total
3.5 / 93 votes
(Ranking: 0.98)
Profanity filter - formerly Carlin's 7 words (19 Comments)
Do you ever need to tone down your conversations with people? Have you ever mistakenly been talking to a child with your foul mouth? Well here is the solution to your lack of tact! With this amazing new script, you can have the...
ipi37 6kb
1413 total
2.7 / 106 votes
(Ranking: -0.61)
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