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All searching for "music" [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Vinyl (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Made a menubar icon similar to a vinyl record. Perfect for audiophiles and retro music junkies! (Maybe?)
Pakaku 276.82kb
1160 total
3.0 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Google Play Music Now Playing (1 Comments) - AppleScripts
Send the currently playing Google Music track in Google Chrome to your buddies, or use it as your status. Commands: %_googlemusic_status : Red Step (Steve Aoki Remix) – Bassnectar & Jansten Thanks to Tobias B for the...
yorb 7.61kb
1001 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Noise (0 Comments) - Sound Sets
Noise is a minimal undistracting sound set, created in mind for use while listening to music. Other sound sets often use melodic alerts, which can irritatingly create dissonance with whatever you happen to be listening to. Noise's...
Goomba 1.14mb
826 total
4.7 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
Now playing in Cog (2 Comments) - AppleScripts
This script shows your current Cog music. Set %_cog as your status message and you will get something like: Artist - Title
k0x 3.97kb
733 total
4.4 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Rdio Current Track Status (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
Display current track information from Rdio for Mac as your Adium status. How to Use Add a custom status (Status -> Custom) and use %_rdio_track_artist (or another message option below) as the status message (screenshots...
bradmcgonigle 23.7kb
700 total
3.4 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.36)
VLC Music (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
This is a AdiumScript that displays the currently playing VLC playlist item as a status in Adium. Control it with /vmusik and %_vmusik, same function, different commands, whatever suits your fancy. I don't plan on ever updating it,...
Shadowhawk109 5.28kb
627 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Chocolate Starfish (1 Comments) - AppleScripts
Tired of letting your friends know what ho-hum music you are currently listening to? Well now with Chocolate Starfish you can pretend you are listening to the worst music imaginable! Dazzle your friends with music so horrible it's...
quinnchr 7.78kb
571 total
4.2 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Is this app running? (2 Comments) - AppleScripts
A little script I made to help with my status message. All it does is check if an application is running, and if it is, return the given text. This is useful if you want an app specific token in your status message that will not work if...
impiaa 5.48kb
510 total
3.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
UltraKurt's Soundset Nr.1 (0 Comments) - Sound Sets
UltraKurt's SoundSet Nr.1 is abasic soundset for AdiumX, derived from the OS X SoundSet released on It holds new sounds for the following events: -Contact Signed Off -Contact Signed On -Messaqge Received...
minibarmusic 538.2kb
442 total
3.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
LazyLinks (3 Comments) - AppleScripts
This is a very simple plugin that allows you to easily make links to topics. I created this b/c I'm always talking to a friend and need to send links to various places and I haven't actually visited those pages so this makes it a bit...
aethiolas 18.85kb
404 total
5.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
Blasted Mechanism Dock Icon (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
This is my first icon and xtra. Its based on the last performing mask of "Karkov", ex-vocalist of the Portuguese Band "Blasted Mechanism". Este e o meu primeiro icone e xtra. Baseado na ultima mascara do ex vocalista da banda...
norblacknorgrey 494.09kb
108 total
3.5 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
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