
Profile: Alex Yeh (Daffy)

Comment Count 13 comments
1 xtras

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# by Daffy on 06/17/08 at 14:10:17

Great set. Too bad all my friends use PCs - otherwise, I would use this one all the time.

# by Daffy on 06/17/08 at 14:04:24

Very much like a custom-configured BASH shell. Cool.

# by Daffy on 06/17/08 at 13:43:59

I'm a big Miyazaki fan.

# by Daffy on 03/15/08 at 22:31:06

An Adium emoticon set is just a folder with a ".AdiumEmoticonset" extension. Inside the emoticon set folder, there should be a set of images (one for each emoticon), and a .plist xml file describing what each emoticon is and how to invoke it. Simple as that. For more detail, open up an emoticon set you've downloaded (by right or control-clicking on it, and choosing "Show Package Contents"), and examine it.

# by Daffy on 07/19/07 at 14:02:50

Thanks! I'm glad you got the gist of what I was doing there :)

I keep being annoyed by how badly I wrote that hint, so I'll try again here, for people it might not be working for…

1. Right or control + click on the Download link,
and choose "Copy link location"
2. Open up, and in the window that appears, type the following:
curl -o arthero.tar.gz
and then type a space, and paste in the url you copied,
by hitting Command+V or edit => paste. Then, hit return.

Sorry if my previous hints and "clarifications" confused anyone...