
Profile: Danae (danae)

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# by danae on 02/01/08 at 16:47:48

Thanks, but I tried that too...being new to adium and to these scripts, at first I thought the percent sign followed by the underscore was some garbled version of the slash, but when the slash didn't work I tried typing it exactly as you state above: "%_calvin". The computer beeps and nothing appears in the chat window - no calvin quote, not even the command characters themselves that I typed. Then I tried using the menu to activate the script - Edit/Insert Script/calvin (%_calvin). It responds in the same way that typing "%_calvin" does. Nada.

Now what?

# by danae on 02/01/08 at 08:42:54

I can't seem to get this script to work. I followed the same procedure as for another script that DID work, but no dice. I type "/calvin" in a chat window and no quote appears. It just shows the exact characters I typed and that's it. Adium keeps telling me the calvin script is successfully installed, and when I use the "/brb" script I have no problems, so I don't know what's going on here. Any ideas? Thanks!