
Profile: amaan

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# by amaan on 04/19/10 at 00:58:12

this would look just great in the iChat style!

# by amaan on 04/19/10 at 00:53:11

Pretty cool. ill use this for while

for future ones. i really like the scroll bar on elegant simple.. and maybe an option for user avatars to show? maybe at the far right end or the ichat style.
maybe too many ideas. but the scroll bar would be great!

# by amaan on 03/14/10 at 02:59:32

kk, thanks. ill keep an eye on this.

# by amaan on 03/14/10 at 02:44:13

I love this style. fits perfectly.

one small problem is that i cant seem to use a custom background with it. is it just me?