
Profile: Quincy

Comment Count 4 comments
5 xtras

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# by Quincy on 07/03/08 at 15:52:52

One of the things that I tried to support with Caplet Chat is knowing when you’re both away and idle. The problem is Adium Xtras’ .plist files only support single statuses. However, if I make the idle status an overlay but make the away status not an overlay, both statuses can show up simultaneously without complication. However, I also decided to make the alert status as an overlay, so that it will never interfere with the away status either, and it will look visually aesthetic when the user’s connection status changes between online, away, invisible, and offline. The Alert + Idle bug was a problem I knew of going into making Caplet Chat, but I thought that of all the status combination complications, that one would be the least problematic to users. With that being said, I will definitely look into fixing this problem, but no guarantees :)

# by Quincy on 07/15/06 at 16:05:27

excellent idea

# by Quincy on 12/19/05 at 16:59:54

Hook 'Em Horns :)

# by Quincy on 10/23/04 at 02:05:05

tr?s bon pour le pr?mier dock set monsieur (ou mademoiselle... je ne sais pas)! je parle fran?ais un peu; je parle anglais, mais, j'adore le dock set parce que j'?tudie le fran?ais langue (language?) ? mon ?cole maintenant. j'aime le t?l?phone nokia aussi, mais, je conviens (agree?) avec bluerevolution: si le t?l?phone nokia est une alerte, il est plus beau. bon (ou bonne?) chance monsieur (ou mademoiselle)!! (allait-il comment mon fran?ais? -- got this question straight from a translator so i'm not sure it's right: how was my french?)