
Profile: Justine (missyseepy)

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# by missyseepy on 06/05/06 at 14:41:20

Adium was closed.

# by missyseepy on 06/05/06 at 14:31:55

Gee, it was hard to find the file!
But I can't rename/remove the file - no permissions. Tried to change them but I think it doesn't work :(

# by missyseepy on 06/05/06 at 14:17:03

Wow, that's the best message style I've ever seen. It's adorable!
But I really want to disable adiumy ducks next to the bubbles and have no idea how to do that. I can obviously disble "user icons" but the ducks will still be there. I'd love to have the bubbles only. Any suggestions?