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Submitted By Pedro Fern?ndez (pafmax)


My first attempt to do a dock icon... Based on the incredible new 30 inch apple display.
Please comment and suggest improvements!



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# by Anonymous on 07/13/04 at 15:13:21

very nice indeed, with one caveat. The icon needs to be centered vertically - it looks a little weird on a vertical dock.

# by jego on 07/13/04 at 15:17:21

oi! stole mine!

but well, yours is better, mine took 1 minute to make. :)

# by Quincy on 07/13/04 at 18:01:51

very nice, but i want to make 2 suggestions but i don't care what you do... for the new IM, maybe make it as quick as the computer flashing the screen (seeing this flashing effect can be done through the hearing section of universal preferences)... and lastly, the connecting images... maybe use the little ticker or whatever it's called that you see on restart and shutdown... regardless if these are changed or not, you made a very nice dock icon set

# by on 07/23/04 at 02:10:54

A suggestion: make it so the screen dims when it is idle and shows a screenshot of a screensaver (I'd reccommend Flurry) when it is away, and lose the text on the screen. Perhaps the yellow-triangle-with-exclamation-point for alert?

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421.7kb (2776 downloads)

3.40 / 71 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/10/04
The original wallpaper and the original monitor graphics were obtained from Apple Inc. Original IconPack.plist was obtained from the icon "wobblo" by Markus Norsted. Modifications and animation by Pedro Fern?ndez.