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Submitted By auspicion


by J. H. Chriznek

LarsenB is a soundset I created for two reasons:

1) I am tired of basic open-chords. Hollow fifths do not appeal to me.

2) I want something breathy, but still grabbing. And I adore synth.

Since there hasn't been a soundset to capture my interest entirely yet (Though TokyoTrainStation and silvertheme come close!!) I created my own. I had been using the epic signon/signoff from silvertheme and the remainder of TokyoTrainStation for all other events, so I merged them, and shortened the whole affair up a bit. It's a GarageBand production, using pianos and basic synth pads. The chords are more intriguing than your usual fare: minor sevenths, suspensions, and ninths abound. Since I usually know when I'm signing on or off (or want to know if my computer is signing me off or on) I went ahead and made the sign off/on tones more grandiose. But the general message and contact off/on tones are much simpler, just a standard 'doo-doot' with cooler chords.

I thought the whole set sounded breezy and cold, so I named it after the largest piece of ice I could think of.

Reviews appreciated, and enjoy! Let me know what needs changing. : D


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# by csquared on 04/16/08 at 14:14:23

Thank God: another soundset designer with a background in music theory! Excellent work. Very functional, short sounds, but yes, avoiding all those clichéd open fifths for a little more dissonance. (Yay ninths!)

If you're a fan of dissonance, I encourage you to check out the soundsets I authored.

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Current Version: 0.9
Last Updated: 03/31/08
Sounds by J. H. Chriznek/transdiagonal