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Submitted By AssetBurned


Project is on halt till an AppleScript problem is fixed. You can find more information about the problem at

First this project is in a very early stage, but I think that if more and more people want to use it it will grow.

So if you set yourself on fire, blow up the planet or simply loose your data. Whatever happen you are warned. I am not responsible for anything!

The idea of this project is to get a web interface for Adium to use your local Adium on your iPhone or Touch. There are several ideas out there, but so far I couldn't find anything. wasn't a big help either.

The main problems for this project are:
1) a lack of documentation of Adiums scripting functions
2) some scripting functions are simply not there
3) other software packets who interfere with parts of this project.

What you need to use all this (at least this are the versions I used to develop it):
1) A Mac with OS X 10.6.1
2) Adium 1.4b15
3) PHP has to work in ~/Sites

If you want to use Push Notification you also need:
1) A Prowl account (free)
2) The Prowl client for your iPhone/Touch (less then 3 Euro in the AppStore)

This zip file contains the following parts: This script will do whatever is necessary to install the packet. It will create some folders, create the folder action and copy the files. But you have to create the connection between the get-last-message.scpt script and Adiums new message event.
process.php This file has to be placed in ~/Sites/test it will create a temp file with the message you want to send.
get-last-message.scpt This script has to be called by Adium via the "Run an AppleScript" function. You can decide if you want to do it global or for just a single chat patner. But it has to run if you receive a new message you want to read and answer.
read-file-send-message.scpt This script has to run as Folder action for ~/Sites/test
format-html.xsl This file has to be placed in the ~/Sites/test folder as well. It is necessary to convert the chatlog-files to propper HTML files.
READ-ME This file
liladiumeb3.png, Logo used on the dynamically created index.html
logo_bigger.png, Logo used on the dynamically created index.html

Push Notification:
If you want to use Push Notification with Adium2WebAndBack than you have to register at which is a service to forward Growl notifications to you iPhone/Touch. You also need the Prowl client (Available in the AppStore for less then 3 Euro) and an APIKEY which you can create on the Prowl side after logging in.
Copy the APIKEY, open the get-last-message.scpt (from your ~/Sites folder) and replace the first XXX you find, save and you are done.
To check if everything is working, you can send a test Push Notification right from the Prowl web side.

Known Bugs:
1) You really shouldn't use this, if you get a lot of messages. This stuff will only show you the last message you got!
2) There is a problem with the timing. If you receive a message and the script to convert the chatlog to HTML will be executed the next minute. I won't find the chatlog.
3) So far it was only tested with ICQ accounts, so their might be poblems with other protocolls
4) There is absolutely NO SECURITY. No passwords, no additional user accounts and no encryption! So everybody could send messages with your name!
5) If you change the name of the ~/Sites/Adium2WebAndBack folder, then you have to remove the Folder Action and reattach it manually, you also have to change the adium action attached to the new message event.

Known Bugs which are not directly related to this packet:
1) Check if you can write a file via PHP in your own sites folder. I had the problem that an old Adobe software packed interfered with the PHP stuff and also Applescripts. Just check the console if you have an Adobe related error message when you execute this PHP via web browser.

If you have any idea for this leave a note in the Adium forum or leave a comment here.

Last but not least I want to say thank you for your help to:
neil_mayhew and his Adium ticket! without this, the whole project would have been fare more complicated.
The developers of Prowl, for there Push Notification service!


+added push notification via Prowl (Growl client for the iPhone/Touch), but Growl is not needed on the Adium machine!
+display names instead of IDs in the index.html
+Logos and colours added to the Index.html

+Installer script added
+fixed problem with privileges of the folder where the PHP has to write a file
+script is now placeable into every folder inside of ~/Sites
+shouldn't crash anymore right after getting the first message
+talking to yourself is now supported
+handling more than one chatlog at a time is now supported
*Variables optimised
+index.html is now created to display all the current chats
+each chat partner get it's own HTML file now.

First version and it has a lot of bugs!

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69.34kb (0 downloads)

5.00 / 4 votes
Current Version: 0.0.3
Last Updated: 11/17/09