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Dock Icons by user auric [x]

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Adiumy'o Lantern (3 Comments)
You have to admit, the Eugen Buzuk's Adiumy Green dock icon is super. And with Halloween knocking on the door, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get creative again. Images I used to create this Dock Icon: The...
3071 total
4.2 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
Sugar Adiplumy Fairy (1 Comments)
Wouldn't it be cool to take Eugen Buzuk 's Adiumy , give it a Ballet uniform and let it dance on the Sugar Plum Fairy soundset of Christian Cosas ?
2949 total
4.2 / 26 votes
(Ranking: 1.70)
Adiclaus v2 (19 Comments)
It has been three years already since Adiclaus came out, so this Holidays Season I thought it would be a nice idea to upgrade it and by seeing Eugen Buzuk's Adiumy Green I immediately knew how to revive Santa :-) Enjoy Adiclaus v2...
4210 total
4.1 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
Vålerengadiumy (2 Comments)
Vålerenga player, a home playing as well as an away playing version, on request :-)
163 total
2.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.52)
Adicolas v2 (7 Comments)
In the night of December 5 on December 6, Saint Nicolas (Sinterklaas) is celebrated in Belgium , the Netherlands and in Germany, so it seems , and by the view of Eugen Buzuk 's Adiumy Green , Adicolas begged me to bring him an...
1854 total
4.4 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 2.00)
Thanksgiviumy (5 Comments)
A turkiumy for thanksgiving. With a bit of imagination that is... Based on Eugen Buzuk's Adiumy Green
2165 total
4.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
Black Pete Adi (3 Comments)
Since Saint Nicolas missed his helper, named Black Pete (Zwarte Piet), he asked me to create him too. So here he is! See also Adicolas
763 total
3.9 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.97)
Adiumoses (1 Comments)
A Moses-like Adiumy, to sit next to Adiclaus v2 :-) The duck was originally created by Eugen Buzuk [I'm not good enough to create one from scratch :-) ], the attributes (hair, clothes, stick) were drawn by me.
935 total
3.8 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Adiclaus (6 Comments)
There was a magnificent santa claus upload by BlueRevolution , but I didn't felt comfortable with that fake-looking santa. Comments were "you can almost see the elastic on that beard" but what if you like a "real looking" santa. So I...
13184 total
4.0 / 100 votes
(Ranking: 2.00)
Adicolas (2 Comments)
Santa was submitted recently, but 6 december (or 5 december in the Netherlands) is the date where Saint Nicolas (Sinterklaas) is celebrated. (Saint Nicolas -> Saint Colas -> Saint Clas -> Santa Claus, see where the name comes from?) So...
1916 total
3.3 / 66 votes
(Ranking: 0.55)
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