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AppleScripts by user ipi37 [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Xtrashare (6 Comments)
This little scripty will allow you to actively select any extra you currently have installed* and send it via file transfer to your buddy. We'll hope that your buddy is using adium as well so it will have some meaning for them. This...
1283 total
3.0 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Pick up lines 2.0 (12/16/04) (21 Comments)
Version 2.0 released Pick up lines... a script for geeks and nerds who need a date This little scripty just grabs a random pick up line from a completely editable file inside the package. If you want to add more lines to your...
4765 total
3.4 / 61 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
lowbrow (8 Comments)
lowbrow script by ipi37 this script pulls down a random lowbrow moment from and then it attempts to parse it for just the "moment." (my shell command parsing skills leave much to be desired so it's bulky i am...
469 total
3.1 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
Set Idle (12 Comments)
This script is for pure avoidance of others. For instance, suppose there is someone you are trying to avoid and just plain don't want to talk to. But you don't want to block or ignore them. (This happens to me frequently.) So I wrote...
2604 total
3.1 / 168 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
Profanity filter - formerly Carlin's 7 words (19 Comments)
Do you ever need to tone down your conversations with people? Have you ever mistakenly been talking to a child with your foul mouth? Well here is the solution to your lack of tact! With this amazing new script, you can have the...
1413 total
2.7 / 106 votes
(Ranking: -0.61)
Annoy (21 Comments)
Have you ever wanted to annoy someone with your love for them? Well now you can!!! With this new script from ipi37 you can message someone at a set interval for as long as you want with the same message... over and over and over and...
2687 total
3.4 / 120 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
Adium Extras (1 Comments)
Did you ever want to show all your chat buddies how cool Adium is? I did! So, I decided to write a little script that would show off all my Adium X(tras) It just basically give a Unix ls listing in the various directories where all...
1404 total
2.9 / 191 votes
(Ranking: -0.23)
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