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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Terminal (3 Comments)
This icon is based of the original terminal icon. / Ces icônes sont fait à partir de l'icône de Terminal original.
ColasV 1.24mb
6180 total
4.2 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
V for Vendetta (5 Comments)
caletz 630.28kb
6107 total
4.0 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.62)
Arsenal Adiumy (16 Comments)
For all my fellow Gooners...
jhaitas 357.3kb
6099 total
3.9 / 276 votes
(Ranking: 2.20)
Stitch TEST (4 Comments)
This is my first attempt to create dock icon set. I was wondering on a theme... and then found some line art on Stitch. So here it is: The test version of Stitch Dock Icon Set
Alero 258.69kb
6076 total
4.4 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 2.23)
AdiumMan (3 Comments)
thesloth 106.82kb
6075 total
4.5 / 33 votes
(Ranking: 2.28)
The Joker (Batman: The Animated Series) (4 Comments)
*UPDATED* Please rate and leave a comment.
JackNapier 214.74kb
6073 total
4.4 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 2.59)
Adiumy Tux (9 Comments)
The definitive icon for any Linux lover, or anyone who thinks Tux is just plain cute. Or for that matter anyone who likes seeing the duck dressed up in his nice duds. Yeah, yeah, you can use if if you're fond of GAIM too. Just download...
BlueRevolution 45.64kb
6073 total
3.3 / 119 votes
(Ranking: 0.62)
iMac 4G (2 Comments)
A duck with a fourth generation (4G) aluminium and glass iMac.
Szilard 383.84kb
6060 total
4.2 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 2.04)
Vader (3 Comments)
Darth Vader. He swings his lightsaber when you get an IM.
infinity 138.01kb
6060 total
3.2 / 117 votes
(Ranking: 0.41)
Super Mario World (3 Comments)
a dock icon set from super mario world. complete old school set with fully animated connect sequence, and custom away/idle overlays. matching soundset also available!
cortjezter 47.18kb
6055 total
3.4 / 105 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
Yankees Baseball Adiumy (9 Comments)
Based on Wesley Underwood's Cubs Adiumy , I thought I'd make one for the only real baseball team out there. This should have been the first icon made, but I'll settle for the most popular. Enjoy, and this year will be 27 baby!!!!
leibo26 215.91kb
6038 total
4.0 / 143 votes
(Ranking: 2.16)
MetalWindow (10 Comments)
perspective is better on this one...didn't skew the window...matches the ichat bezel status icons better...and i prefer the badges...
gottacoppafeel 574.82kb
6014 total
3.9 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 1.50)
Snowboarder Adiumy (6 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood 268kb
5994 total
4.0 / 49 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
Adium CS3 (13 Comments)
Adium icon that matches Adobe CS3® applications
rocha 79.26kb
5981 total
3.9 / 89 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
Angry Birds (0 Comments)
Angry Birds
l9o 1.74mb
5961 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Neo Duck Revisited (7 Comments)
As requested, I removed the shells. So now he just fires his gun when you get an IM. I also tilted the guns slightly so that the muzzle flash would fit better in the dock.
infinity 386.47kb
5956 total
3.9 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
BlackRed Adiumy (1 Comments)
I am the opinion that we only need new colours of the basic Adiumy. Its the best for the App. I think that the Black of the Original Black Adiumy isn't really Black. here is a black that i think is a better one :P. Contact me, if you...
-KingROFL- 227.4kb
5955 total
4.2 / 103 votes
(Ranking: 2.42)
Ed from FMA (10 Comments)
Its just Ed from Full Metal Alchemist
Promeytheus 197.54kb
5952 total
3.7 / 749 votes
(Ranking: 2.01)
Vector Duck Animated (6 Comments)
Sam Gwilym's beautiful vectorised Adium dock icon, now back with a quack!
yayo 28.97kb
5935 total
4.1 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
Satellae (4 Comments)
Satellae is my second dock icon. It can be described as a small star, or satellite, going around in a circle endlessly. It contains a yellow core and a red glow around it. This is what I was thinking about when I did my first dock icon,...
serge 616.96kb
5933 total
3.9 / 81 votes
(Ranking: 1.72)
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