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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Thomas and Guyman (5 Comments)
Here is a set of dock icons made from the fantastics icons of Tsukasa Enjoy ! My Blog
Chaodam 1.21mb
9894 total
4.3 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 2.47)
Link Duck (34 Comments)
It's Link from the Legend of Zelda. He's on a never-ending quest to save his girlfriend! 1/25/05 - Added special Away and Idle status. Made the flap more animated and (hopefully) more visible. Gave him sparkle for the connecting.
lysistrata398 278.73kb
27829 total
4.0 / 292 votes
(Ranking: 2.47)
Messanger Live Mac (3 Comments)
(Italian) Bellissima icona con animazione in arrivo di messaggio. Nei prossimi aggiornamenti: Miglioramenti Grafici. In beta. (English) Beautifulst icon with animation in message arrival. In the next refreshes: Graphical...
LinkDesination 229.59kb
8915 total
4.5 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 2.47)
LithoMilk (17 Comments)
This icon set is ripped directly from both the popular Milk icon set for Adium by Rasmus Andersson and the LithoSystems set by Anthony Piraino. I found the duck icon though, hah. Version 2.0 Update • Redesigned all status icons...
dankeezer 959.42kb
12799 total
4.1 / 173 votes
(Ranking: 2.46)
Cracky Adiumy (1 Comments)
Hey Guys, My 7th Extra! Hope u like it! Its a bit diffrent then the others but i think its great :PPP Have Fun! Please comment and rate. Contact me, if you find Bugs or have some Colour suggestions! Visit my website:...
-KingROFL- 708.53kb
1350 total
4.4 / 57 votes
(Ranking: 2.46)
Thought Bubble (11 Comments)
Inspired by the iChat's typing bubble, I bring you The Thought Bubble. Optimized for your dock-viewing pleasure, this icon features thick borders to really make the thought stand out. Plays nicely in all sizes of dock. Features...
Iiro 93.13kb
9167 total
4.3 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
Glassic Adium Icon (0 Comments)
Simply Glassic, Enjoy! Leave a comment if you like it. Cheers.
anuranjanbhatia 1.33mb
1031 total
4.8 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
The Birds (4 Comments)
Thanks to Pixar Studios for this great short movie. Here is my enhanced version of "The Birds" with some animations. Enjoy and have fun.
CADmin 466.39kb
19468 total
4.1 / 169 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
FatBird.indigo Icon for Adium (2 Comments)
FatBird.colors series. Color: Indigo
3fl 4.95mb
7614 total
4.5 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
Iris (1 Comments)
A futuristic computer 'Eye', inspired by the film '2001: A space odysee'. The lens has a 'focusing' connect animation and a flashing alert. Goes perfectly with any futuristic or astronomy themed desktop. Designed to work with my 'Phase'...
Bailey 650.21kb
1795 total
4.5 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
iChat Remixed (5 Comments)
iChat Remixed An Adium .AdiumIcon dock icon set. Original icon by Jonas Rask . Based on xAdium by ysdog (aka sdh). MacThemes thread DeviantART submission
Vox 880.09kb
8867 total
4.5 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
Homer Simpson (9 Comments)
Enjoy Homer Simpson as your dock icon on Adium
DBS 147.33kb
41833 total
3.9 / 524 votes
(Ranking: 2.45)
RedBlack Adiumy (0 Comments)
This is a simple Red and Black Adiumy. I will make new colours as fast as I can. Have Fun Please Comment and Rate. Visit my website: -KingROFL-
-KingROFL- 237.29kb
2818 total
4.2 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 2.44)
Pixar´s For The Birds (28 Comments)
This is a Dock Icon from Pixar´s short "For The Birds"
lucidos 107.69kb
38593 total
3.9 / 508 votes
(Ranking: 2.44)
Foxkeh (3 Comments)
Foxkeh is a Firefox mascot originating from Japan. I made this icon to match the wallpapers that can be found at Foxkeh's blog @ . I found some of the artwork there too. **Please comment if you enjoy it!**
Bailey 874.05kb
3158 total
4.5 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Augsburg Panther Duck (6 Comments)
This is a Augsburg Panthers Duck. I know it should be a panther instead of a duck, but it´s still Adium ;-)
lucidos 65.2kb
984 total
4.1 / 163 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Yoshi's Island 2 (3 Comments)
I decided to re-design this Dock Set to reflect the style of the Yoshi's Island character artwork. I'm happy with how it turned out; especially the animations! Enjoy!
dpeacock 909.79kb
5395 total
4.6 / 33 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Caplet Chat (17 Comments)
A simple dock icon that uniquely displays almost all combinations of IM statuses. -- An Adiumy version of this is also available in a separate download .
Quincy 943.76kb
26670 total
4.0 / 268 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
EVE (12 Comments)
WALL-E ❤ EVE This is the Unofficial Adium icon for the animated movie WALL-E. The set currently only contains EVE. I'm not going to spoil anything go watch the HD trailers at I just love how well made the characters...
Mxmln 33.05kb
28571 total
4.0 / 267 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Snoopy Dock Icon (2 Comments)
So this is my first dock icon set (or any kind of xtra really). I wanted a snoopy dock icon, and the ones available just didn't cut it for me. Hope you guys like it! Please let me know of any problems!
paranoid0693517 687.51kb
6444 total
4.4 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
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