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Service Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Texturized (3 Comments)
This was originally an update of my previous set, but ended up becomming something a little different. All icons have a particular color and share a subte texture behind the service "logo". This is as complete as I could make it; if...
BohemiaDrinker 550.82kb
6282 total
2.7 / 35 votes
(Ranking: -0.46)
Service RiCons Black (1 Comments)
Service RiCons Black • 24 icons service with black background inspired in the icons/buttons used on the iPhone, adjusted for the following services: AIM • Bonjour • .Mac • Facebook • Gadu Gadu • Gizmo • GroupWise • Gtalk • ICQ • IRC...
Regivic 172.21kb
6043 total
3.2 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 0.36)
Pidgin Service Icons (4 Comments)
Service icons taken from Pidgin , the IM client formerly known as gaim. Contains icons for AIM, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, Google Talk, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, MXit, MySpace, Novell, QQ, RIC, Sametime, SILC, Simple, Yahoo & Zephyr.
CyberSkull 69.75kb
5741 total
2.7 / 123 votes
(Ranking: -0.63)
Service iCons Dark (2 Comments)
Service iCons Dark • 24 icons service with black and grayscale colors inspired in the icons/buttons used on the iPhone, adjusted for the following services: AIM • Bonjour • .Mac • Facebook • Gadu Gadu • Gizmo • GroupWise • Gtalk •...
Regivic 132.26kb
5568 total
3.1 / 58 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Ghosty Service Icons (10 Comments)
These service icons are based on pss's pss-2 service icons. I've been striving for some minimalisticness on the desktop and in apps, so I customized them by making them grayscale and reducing the opacity a bit, thus the "ghosty" name....
draconic 130.86kb
5130 total
2.4 / 96 votes
(Ranking: -1.19)
Up2Date (14 Comments)
These icons are no longer under development. I recommend that you upgrade to Up2Date Aqua 3 . If you don't want the Aqua Look, I suggest that you get Modern Logos , a cleaner version of this set. Hello! The legendary icons...
Sam 182.36kb
4439 total
2.0 / 70 votes
(Ranking: -1.85)
Service Extensions White With Stroke (6 Comments)
This is same as this ›white‹ service icon set . But this one has 50% black stroke around it, so u can see it also on white background. Enjoy!
Mikesh 87.85kb
3937 total
2.0 / 44 votes
(Ranking: -1.64)
Handdrawn Redux (1 Comments)
A more complete reversion of the Handdrawn service icons . I made them as a separate Xtra for those who still like the old Handdrawn service icons and those who want to keep the colored versions, since I don't plan on colorizing...
coerul 1.83mb
3777 total
2.7 / 35 votes
(Ranking: -0.46)
Skype Only (6 Comments)
Eng: Some of my contacts are using MSN and sometime Skype. I wanted to know when they are connected to Skype, but my I don't want to see all the service icon (MSN, AIM...)in my contact list... . I don't want to use a specific group...
Anarco 68.65kb
3398 total
2.6 / 80 votes
(Ranking: -0.76)
Minimal (0 Comments)
A simple, minimal, light grey service icon set. Designed to be informative, but not overbearing. Also, I really wanted a decent looking Google Talk service icon :) Enjoy!
InterestingJohn 412.4kb
3267 total
3.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.88)
Pidginesque (0 Comments)
Pidgin service icons updated from CyberSkull's "Pidgin Service Icons" to include Facebook (for those svn and beta users), and Xfire (to add Xfire, install the Xblaze plugin).
pcperini 303.89kb
2898 total
2.7 / 42 votes
(Ranking: -0.49)
DesatPlus with Facebook (0 Comments)
A reproduction of DwevskyX's DesatPlus that includes a desaturated Facebook icon. Thanks to DwevskyX and ajmas.
dougkai 76.01kb
2028 total
2.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.52)
Aqua with Sametime 8.0 (2 Comments)
A set of the standard Adium service icons (Aqua) with an updated icon for Sametime connections. The updated icon is the official Sametime product icon of Sametime 8.0. The Sametime icon is included as a high resolution icon....
maikk 159.03kb
1902 total
1.8 / 31 votes
(Ranking: -1.79)
Gaim 2.0 Service Icons (2 Comments)
Service icons taken from Gaim 2.0
freakman 130.94kb
1873 total
1.9 / 55 votes
(Ranking: -1.91)
Gaim Service Icons (2 Comments)
Service icons taken from Gaim
freakman 34.63kb
1593 total
1.9 / 70 votes
(Ranking: -2.03)
Modern Retina (2 Comments)
A modern service icon set ready for retina display. I recently started to use Adium again on my retina display and desperately looked for a retina service icon set but haven't found yet, so I decided to "compile" it myself. I said...
ngocphamm 209.35kb
1503 total
2.7 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
Flat (0 Comments)
Two up-to-date and flat icon sets for the most popular services as of late 2013. One version has normal flat icons, the other are similar icons styled to look like iOS 7 app icons. iOS 7 inspired. ©2013 Noah. All rights reserved....
Noah 203.07kb
1281 total
3.1 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.10)
iBlank (4 Comments)
iBlank - as the name says: blank icons Looks fine with iBlank Status
CyberLine 4.26kb
747 total
2.5 / 17 votes
(Ranking: -0.62)
Minimal-Light (0 Comments)
Based on the Minimal service icon set. This has icons that are lighter and more suited to darker backgrounds. A simple, minimal, light grey service icon set. Designed to be informative, but not overbearing.
ikromin 418.49kb
641 total
2.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.59)
Tiny Services (0 Comments)
Very simple small services icons. Developed to be useful in a 12px setting instead of 16px. Clean icons in pill-shaped form, with a bleeding edge. Works best on dark or translucent contact lists.
deternitydx 22.31kb
472 total
2.2 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.76)
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