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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Greensmilies (3 Comments)
A smiley-package with 35 smilies from
kfhd 50.52kb
770 total
3.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
DragonBros (4 Comments)
2 ultra cutez dwaggies designed and created by, . Edited for adium by,
kimito295 526.2kb
3118 total
3.6 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.84)
aMSN Emoticons (0 Comments)
Default aMSN emoticons for Adium. This set includes 81 emoticons. Original author : Gustavo A. Díaz License : GPL
jonni 97.96kb
640 total
4.3 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
stupid orange (0 Comments)
mocell 1017.59kb
2748 total
4.3 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
Monkey Icons: REFINED! (5 Comments)
I HAVE MADE MY VERY 1st XTRA... SORTA :D Well Takeo did pretty much all the work but i wasn't happy... the codes to activate each icon happened to be to long and my PC friends are like WTF when i send them monkeyangrrry, so i re-did the...
CodeTaco 399.53kb
8399 total
4.4 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 2.16)
iPhone Emoji (0 Comments)
In version 2.2, the iPhone add support for the japanese emoji emoticon set used in japanese phones. Now that you're sufficiently addicted to them, here's a set so you can use them in Adium! Overview/cheat sheet of all the emoji and...
kalleboo 810.21kb
4503 total
4.0 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.34)
Emoji Pack (1 Comments)
Compatibility pack to display Emoji icons from iPhone messages inside of Adium. This also allows the use of the icons from the drop down menu, though it is a bit of a mess. The primary purpose of this pack is for sending and receiving...
aquadood 530.89kb
3813 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Softbank Emojis (1 Comments)
This emoticon set is done based on Softbank Mobile emoji set used in Japanese mobile phones. It is not 100% complete as I could not find some MSN Messenger equivalents in the Softbank emojis, but the most used emoticons should be there....
gferreroferri 86.55kb
383 total
4.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
QIP Infium (0 Comments)
98 smilies from QiP Infium original set.
ne_toy 428.56kb
876 total
2.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -0.60)
Fok! emoticons (1 Comments)
These emoticons are used at the forum of Fok! I didn't use all at the moment, but the most important ones are in it. If you miss one or want a different keycombination, let me know and I will change it.
psychonikeo 120.88kb
2424 total
4.3 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 1.53)
Gmail Emoticons (3 Comments)
My first ever set of emoticons for Adium. I liked the emoticons in Gmail so I figured I'd make a set.
mattnation 167.18kb
1829 total
4.2 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.30) Agent Smileys (4 Comments)
Tired of inability to see mail agent smileys... Made this pack base on miranda im pack by MadBrozzeR
xumix 111.96kb
2064 total
4.8 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.87)
QiP Infium compatible (16 Comments)
98 smilies from QiP Infium original set
ne_toy 428.56kb
28670 total
3.8 / 246 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Stargate SG1 (0 Comments)
This is the first iteration of a Stargate Emoticon Set. I felt it had enough for a release. :) I was shocked to see no Stargate smileys at all (at least, searching for Stargate found none) :O There are loads, literally loads of...
Nysc 357.92kb
530 total
4.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.10)
Windows Live Messenger (9 Comments)
All of the Windows Live Messenger emoticons in high quality, including the Bunny and the I'm icons. It also includes the correct text equivalent for each emoticon.
jaimeeee 920.84kb
14342 total
4.2 / 61 votes
(Ranking: 2.14)
MacThemes Stickies MOD (8 Comments)
This a modification of the MacThemes Stickies emoticons. I made the following changes: • Changed from index-color GIF to RGB png-24. • Replaced original shadow with new, transparent shadows. • Aliased stickie edges to...
mathuaerknedam 31.79kb
14842 total
4.1 / 113 votes
(Ranking: 2.26)
Facies (6 Comments)
Fresh emoticonset with a classical style for all you old school lovers. Comments, suggestions or bug hints are welcome.
pimago 112.08kb
27062 total
4.0 / 235 votes
(Ranking: 2.37)
Monkey Monkey Monkey! (5 Comments)
I found this monkeys to be soooo funny - I needed to create emoticon set myself including almost all of these: Thanks to the creator - whoever he/she might be! :D If you like it,...
takeo 417.91kb
24827 total
4.1 / 192 votes
(Ranking: 2.51)
ICQ Kolobok (0 Comments)
Set of 43 animated emoticons - Kolobok ported from ICQ to Adium ... Have fun :) Original emoticons from
Avlon 218.24kb
7000 total
4.2 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.72)
Sunflower (0 Comments)
Here are a few common emoticons—but as sunflowers. For the sunflower lovers. :-) These emoticons are slightly larger than the average ones.
ccsgraphic 40.18kb
426 total
3.2 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
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