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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Smellies (7 Comments)
Smellies are one of the nicer, cooler, emoticon styles based on a creature appearing in Marko and Olier's French heroic-fantasy comic series Agence Barbare . These little creatures can be really cute but unfortunately fart a lot.
imajes 231.38kb
6919 total
3.4 / 195 votes
(Ranking: 0.92)
Hello Kitty (6 Comments)
Icon set based on Hello Kitty, Now with some long overdue fixes
df0notfoundNeue 99.06kb
6595 total
3.9 / 48 votes
(Ranking: 1.51)
KillerFrogs (3 Comments)
awwww ain't they cute, Killer Frogs are never cute
killerfrog 8.98kb
6485 total
3.3 / 106 votes
(Ranking: 0.61)
chaos - default based (10 Comments)
These are originaly from a mood theme on greatest I thought they were cute so I decided to make them into emoticons...these are based off of the default emoticon settings. credit to goko_san's Chaos mood theme.
mb715 21.58kb
6417 total
4.0 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
Paper and Plastic Smileys (12 Comments)
Paper & Plastic is the official message view designed by Jasper Hauser to complement the recent system theme by Mike Matas , XiAP Themes , and . Users are highly recommended to use included smilies , contact list...
mnkeybsness 68.7kb
6399 total
3.3 / 141 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
Something Awful Forum Smilies (SomethingAwful) (11 Comments)
Here's the updated emoticon pack for the Something Awful ( ) Forums, including the completely useless :unwanted: !! P.S. Please stop buying smilies you guys.
laughterguns 592.54kb
6022 total
2.9 / 309 votes
(Ranking: -0.25)
Sketchies (11 Comments)
Hand drawn little characters for a more casual look. Not all are represented so you might want to set another full set as a backup.
kat 20.3kb
5916 total
3.5 / 94 votes
(Ranking: 0.99)
SA Forum Emoticons (7 Comments)
These are the emoticons in use on the Something Awful forums as of 7/13/07. There's a total of 330. I'll try to update as smilies are changed.
habnabit 609.11kb
5900 total
3.9 / 87 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
Pinheads (15 Comments)
Icons no bigger than the head of a pin, or (more importantly) a line of 10pt text.
dzhim 9.66kb
5878 total
3.6 / 165 votes
(Ranking: 1.33)
Proticons (8 Comments)
These are just the great Proticon emoticons from Proteus.
Wolverine 53.74kb
5810 total
3.8 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Trillian port (13 Comments)
185 emoticons rescued and ported from Trillian Pro. Any comments would be very welcome, I bought my first Mac about a week ago (and missed my Trill emots!), so I'm chuffed to have done something like this so soon (although I've been...
stevierar 220.04kb
5804 total
3.5 / 256 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
VisualPharm Green Emoticons (1 Comments)
Big Green Emoticons by VisualPharm
chanya 215.8kb
5751 total
4.3 / 53 votes
(Ranking: 2.24)
Bad-Blood Emoticons (8 Comments)
These are made by Bad-Blood , a friend of mine, and I decided to make them into a package for use on adium. The original files can be seen here Bad-Blood emoticon pack
zipper 55.9kb
5731 total
4.3 / 45 votes
(Ranking: 2.15)
Calvin Faces (1 Comments)
Some Calvin Faces from "Calvin & Hobbes" Comics Works well with Dark or Light Backgrounds.
Pique 21.61kb
5652 total
4.0 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Animated Emoticons (0 Comments)
This is a Pack of more than 50 animated emoticons. It's a simple Pack but i hope that many people gone like it :-) If someone have good ideas or something else, leave a comment, please.
Daliciouz 1.19mb
5409 total
4.3 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Onionhead 14/4/2008 (1 Comments)
Well, what to say? This is the currently updated Onion Heads Emoticon pack. There'll be future updates. No credits to me! Go to this website and bookmark it. Thanks the author. Send her some lovely kisses for taking time to update...
Tenelia 1mb
5229 total
3.8 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Official MSN Emoticons Summer 2005 (12 Comments)
These are the official MSN emoticons as of Summer 2005. Good to decode all those emoticons (non-customised), people on MSN send you!
decrease789 55.23kb
5214 total
2.6 / 119 votes
(Ranking: -0.83)
Smooth MSN-Styled (1 Comments)
SMS is just a small pack of emoticons I made when I was a Microsoft's Windows user, chatting with MSN 6. The Pope was still alive and PNG wasn't supported by MSN. That's why there is a Pope (but the new will be soon resembling) and there...
Yohmgaï 36.44kb
4925 total
3.5 / 76 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
Android (8 Comments)
The emoticons that are displayed on Android phone gTalk chat and 1.5 SMS They are taken right from the Android SDK
shindekokoro 80.15kb
4836 total
4.3 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.86)
Pinstripe (3 Comments)
Emoticons from Pinstripe theme for Thunderbird
stephenhorlander 32.27kb
4812 total
3.3 / 191 votes
(Ranking: 0.68)
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