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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Executive (5 Comments)
A classy, sophisticated contact list for those of you that don't want bright greens and yellows clashing with your black and gray desktops. I like it best in Group bubbles format, but it looks equally as nice in any of the formats If...
kidcroccetti 2.54kb
2275 total
3.2 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Bubbles! (5 Comments)
A contact list style based on the growl notification bubbles for a more growl look switch opacity to 95% comments are appreciated
Wengero 2.57kb
2274 total
3.0 / 59 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Leopard styled (0 Comments)
this is a set consisting of Mac OS X Leopard striped- and hightlight-styled theme and layout. It gives a modern look, and looks really nice. Feel free to adjust the icon(display picture) size as to suit your own taste. (i myself prefer...
ilsworld 4.63kb
2244 total
3.4 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Black and White (4 Comments)
I made this theme to go with the VOID system theme. The font I'm using in the previews in Minx from The status icons come in black and white flavors where as the tab icons are always black.
fissure 375.63kb
2219 total
3.4 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 0.57)
Shinobi (4 Comments)
A contact list that resembles the "Shinobi" Theme (ShapeShifter). Fixed.
DRM3 85.87kb
2210 total
3.3 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
NEON (8 Comments)
The hot glowing colors of this contact list give it a cool neon feel. Great with dark desktop wallpaper. VERSION 1.1 -- Modified fonts, spacing, and group name colors, removed buddy icons, and included a Somatic Dots - NEON status...
Dylan1077 189.85kb
2202 total
3.0 / 51 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Underworld (0 Comments)
A Contact List Style for a dark desktop environment. (Adium X 0.7)
NebuchadnezzaR 1.72kb
2193 total
2.7 / 38 votes
(Ranking: -0.47)
Alvaro (3 Comments)
Nice theme with big font and pastel colors. Requires this font: Enjoy!
varoskater 4.6kb
2188 total
2.9 / 8 votes
(Ranking: -0.09)
Label'O's Theme (1 Comments)
This coloring theme and list layout (essentially a modified Mockie) fits perfectly with the Label'O's theme (which can be found at Also works very well with the Milky2 status icons, if you're up for changing those....
falconbrad 2.02kb
2137 total
3.4 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 0.76)
iMac Flavors (4 Comments)
Works Best with Group Bubbles Includes The Following flavors: Blueberry, Strawberry, Grape, Lime and Tangerine This Is a Color Theme Just in case ya didn't notice.
Crazycole2001 4.1kb
2135 total
2.6 / 66 votes
(Ranking: -0.73)
MilkShake (3 Comments)
A simple color scheme that changes the basic Active, Away, Idle, and Away & Idle colors in the contact list. The other colors are the same as the original Adium Style since it works well and is more familiar
lains_navi 774.58kb
2110 total
2.8 / 90 votes
(Ranking: -0.39)
Propaganda Green (5 Comments)
This is a contact list style i made to match the AntiPropaganda message style. It looks really well with the AIM Hybrid status icons. This is not the official style, i'm sure Oskar will come up with something cool aswell!
rob1n 4.8kb
2109 total
3.7 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
Notification Center (4 Comments)
A contact list style that matches notification center as close as I could. I have it hidden on the edge of the screen so it slides when I bring the mouse to it. Recommended Settings: - Borderless window - Opacity: 100% - Don't...
Huevoos 11.1kb
2100 total
3.4 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.43)
iChat (1 Comments)
To imitate iChat as exactly as possible, use this with the ICHAT STATUS ICONS . To install, DOWNLOAD the file, unzip, and then move the three files to (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Contact...
mareoraft 4.81kb
2087 total
4.1 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.99)
EZStatus (1 Comments)
I have used these themes for the past year or two in my own Adium. I have found them to be the most useful I have ever tried. They work great for determining the status of your buddies on first glance. I hope you get the same use out...
Zelf24 20.17kb
2073 total
4.1 / 34 votes
(Ranking: 1.68)
Aqua Spotlight (4 Comments)
This is a color theme for the contact list baised on spotlight, the Aqua (Tiger) theme, and the Spotlight Message View by bob_the_gorilla (Andy Allcorn). I made this theme because I like the soptlight message view and I wanted a...
wunderwood 864b
2035 total
3.1 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
AluminumAlloy Cryo (0 Comments)
This is a contact list style and theme for the Aluminum Alloy (Cryogenic) theme from If you have any suggestions, let me know.
falconbrad 2.08kb
2024 total
3.5 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
Just Pix (5 Comments)
no use for a name? use Just Pix
gottacoppafeel 2.55kb
2015 total
2.7 / 52 votes
(Ranking: -0.51)
disco (app) (0 Comments)
Based on the UI of Disco. by Austin Sarner
alej744 2.59kb
2014 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Pinstripes (5 Comments)
To match the pinstripes of OS X.
wordsofwisedumb 4.14kb
2005 total
4.0 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.62)
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