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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Mac OS X dock (17 Comments)
A transparent mac OS X dock.
kiske 1.52kb
14249 total
3.7 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 1.36)
Black Plastic (3 Comments)
Black theme. Best viewed with main opacity set to 98%. Part of series in 3 different colors.
beatnlck 4.7kb
5470 total
4.3 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Transparency Black (1 Comments)
A simple Theme for Adium
pomadenheld 2.09kb
2658 total
4.1 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Swamp (4 Comments)
Here's another one. The theme is based around two primary colors: green & blue.
Lode 2.61kb
3120 total
4.0 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.34)
Tiger Graphite (2 Comments)
Based on the Tiger Aqua by Pyn but modified to suit Apple's graphite interface and/or desktop images. For an even more slicker look I recommend the use of the alternative status bubbles from the Tiger Aqua theme.
sven 1.54kb
12934 total
3.7 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 1.33)
Ghost 1.0 (3 Comments)
Tiny and transparent contactlist style. Looks best in "Group Bubbles" window style.
ne_toy 4.55kb
3983 total
4.1 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
Caribbean (6 Comments)
This theme was designed to evoke images of the Caribbean - blue water, blue sky, green trees. I designed it to go with my wallpaper, a photograph I took in the Dominican Republic. The layout I've included is simply the layout I like...
oddfellow 710.19kb
6515 total
3.8 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
Mac Messenger Guide Official Style 2.0 (4 Comments)
Do you always see yourself spending hours in the morning matching your clothes?! Of course not, 'cause you're a geek, but now you can match your Adium contact list with you desktop picture or ShapeShifter theme. Eight colors: black,...
MMG 23.33kb
10123 total
3.8 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
panther_desaturated_bgrd (6 Comments)
cropped desaturated panther bgrd image for your contact list minus bling. font colors indicate status: black = online grey = idle white = idle and away / away
Ji_ 112.8kb
11356 total
3.7 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
Azure (alternate) (4 Comments)
A contact list style to compliment the new theme "Azure" by Chris McElligott of theflanneleffect
Benjamin 1.79kb
7894 total
3.7 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
Cocoa (16 Comments)
Cocoa - can't think of a description. What to say, what to say... Mup da do didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum bix nood cof bin dub ho? Includes two list layouts and two colour themes (normal and "Milk", a white variation),...
dcentity2000 223.33kb
4027 total
4.0 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
gtalk (0 Comments)
Gtalk-like contact list style. Colors taken from Window's Google Talk. Made it for personal use — but I hope others will become interested. Looks cool with the following Message Style:...
leon_b 4.53kb
4063 total
4.2 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
It's a Dock! (34 Comments)
A style that gives your contact list the simple and clean look of the dock! Update (10/18/04): This contact list style has been ported to Adium X 0.7! You are downloading both a list layout and a color theme.
tavilach 1.57kb
29623 total
3.5 / 352 votes
(Ranking: 1.27)
PC-AIM (13 Comments)
You may find this useful if you are using Adium on your new Mac after switching from Windows and are still used to the buddy list for the PC version of AIM. Included are the status icons, the list layout, and color scheme.
MBHockey 44.13kb
4660 total
3.6 / 130 votes
(Ranking: 1.27)
A Little Less Than Minimal (9 Comments)
A simple contact list that still retains some ammenities such as buddy icons (albeit somewhat small), away messages, and status. Neutral colors should match a varying array of desktop images. Just slightly less than minimal, er, or...
jdang 1.61kb
24055 total
3.6 / 118 votes
(Ranking: 1.24)
10 (0 Comments)
Lista de contactos transparente.
Maverick 4.5kb
2283 total
4.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 1.24)
iPhone (15 Comments)
The iPhone Skin for Adium Seeing the iPhone made me want to recreate it into an Adium skin. So, here it is, a skin inspired by the iPhone's contactlist. I am not able to supply you with the right font for it, as it's an Apple only...
Boramor 4.58kb
12446 total
3.7 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.22)
Bluesomething (2 Comments)
Contact List style among with staus icons. Great!
pedromperez80 44.61kb
5069 total
3.8 / 33 votes
(Ranking: 1.21)
Zamboozle (6 Comments)
Just a contact list style that I set up for myself. I wanted something small and out of my way when I didn't need it that also looked good and none of the others I could find really suited me well. So I put this one together. Hope you...
tearabite 1.55kb
3982 total
3.7 / 52 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Siro (4 Comments)
This is a theme in created in a few minutes. It's inspired from Siro, a amazing theme from DSKY ( Looks Great with 70% opacity, and "stars" status icons. Enjoy !
tetsu 4.53kb
426 total
4.2 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
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