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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Dark Bunneh (0 Comments)
A dark gray ListLayout and ListTheme. Very sexy.
DarknessTigerpaw 29.61kb
805 total
4.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.50)
Unifision (6 Comments)
unified and aqua...makes me happy :D
gottacoppafeel 2.56kb
10131 total
3.9 / 45 votes
(Ranking: 1.49)
Tango ! (1 Comments)
Tango for AdiumX :). Colors picked from Tango Palette ;). You'll need to install Bitstream fonts... Go here :
Sekkyumu 4.58kb
1569 total
4.2 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
AppleGui (16 Comments)
Here is the most love GUI..Apple Gui.. Pls install the status icons to get the same style and but the transparent of the contact list to 25% thanks -=LT=-
Little_Tiger 105.03kb
10717 total
3.8 / 68 votes
(Ranking: 1.47)
nutnutnutnut-redblack (1 Comments)
my first xtras
nutnutnutnut 5.41kb
973 total
4.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Tiger style (12 Comments)
Hello this is my first contact list, really sober in the style from tiger.
spitfire378 701.81kb
10371 total
3.7 / 112 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
PowerMetal (6 Comments)
Released by popular request, this contact list goes side by side with my PowerMetal Glow icons. It features a smooth, clean, minimal layout, and is packaged with it's accompanying status icons, and the font shown in the preview,...
Dylan1077 168.26kb
8574 total
3.9 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Leopard Side Dock (14 Comments)
On one side of my screen I have my Leopard dock (darker, more HUD like one) and on the other my Adium contact list. I wanted something that would really blend in, like the dock does, but couldn't find much. Then I thought, "That's it!...
anotheradiumfan 4.72kb
6401 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Japanese Garden (3 Comments)
I made these Color Themes and this List Layout, to match the "Golden Palace" wallpaper that comes with leopard. Now when I say 'made' I mean that the colors come from Macevamel on Kuler , and the list layout is a modified Leopard List...
loadedsith 7kb
2977 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Aqua Mac OS X (0 Comments)
This is inspired by the Aqualicious theme for Adium. I put this together with the default Aqua Mac OS X theme in mind. I find that it blends very nicely with Mac OS X. It just fits. I'm open to more suggestions, so just let me know....
econoar 4.68kb
2793 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Darkly (7 Comments)
Style I made for myself, but since everyone to whom I showed loved it so much, I decided to post it here. Looks best on dark patterns - like that in the screenshot. Use this style with 'dia status icons' specifically 'dia b&w on...
InkMaster 2.6kb
8501 total
4.1 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Exodus (1 Comments)
If you're like me, then your desktop background changes almost daily. I noticed, while browsing the Xtras, that contact lists served drastically different purposes; some designs were bright and almost always opaque, whereas the darker,...
Dumbledore132 18.46kb
4221 total
4.1 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
See Through Me (2 Comments)
A simple list style which goes well with any aqua desktop
ColdFlame87 155.65kb
17915 total
3.6 / 237 votes
(Ranking: 1.42)
Deep Ocean (15 Comments)
I really love the 'Live Inspired' set of adium xtras, especially it's color scheme. But since I don't like the white look of the contact list (i prefer dark colors on my desktop) and I rather have my contacts in grouped view of......
Lode 419.66kb
4855 total
3.9 / 38 votes
(Ranking: 1.42)
Web 2.0 Hipster (0 Comments)
Large, lovely, Helvetica Neue. I’m using Stars status icons and Modern Logos service icons.
errolbert 4.76kb
1963 total
4.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Flickr Theme 4 Adium (5 Comments)
I made this one to match de Flickr look. Personally, I like a lot the minimalism and usability of Flickr, I think this could be an interesting theme to Flickr, pure beautiful functionality. Most Status icons Match the theme... if...
cybergus 2.75kb
5763 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Clouds (18 Comments)
Includes: 1 x Contact List Layouts 1 x Contact List Colour Schemes 3 x Icon Packs A gentle, light theme, this contact list style also includes the new status icon packs, "Glass" (shown - top image), "Radian" (shown - bottom...
dcentity2000 304.28kb
10713 total
3.7 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Live Inspired Contact list (7 Comments)
The Contact list style to accompany my Dock icon, Live Inspired! Enjoy! Please note that this Style was made with Adium 1.0 beta version and it may not or will not work with previous versions. Sorry for confusion. Live...
Iiro 5.09kb
4857 total
4.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Stealth (16 Comments)
I always had a terrible time looking for a Adium skin that didn't ruin the nice wallpapers on my desktop. So I decided to make one that wasn't so noticable then my previous skins. This one is realy lovely with bright colored wallpapers....
diCie 5.69kb
6817 total
3.9 / 34 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Orange (5 Comments)
Orange Beta r2 This is a very minimal contact theme designed to go with the included desktop wallpaper from Veer . It utilizes Jason Kottke's Silkscreen font. It is based off of Grass , which is a wonderful layout. It works...
helloaid 1.12mb
1587 total
4.2 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
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