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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Lucky Number Slevin (0 Comments)
Hallo, hier mein deutschsprachiges Xtra zum Film Lucky Number Slevin ! Der Film zeichnet sich durch coole und zugleich sinnlose Dialoge aus. Die Handlung ist jedoch auch sehr spannend! German only! Input: /lns Output:...
powerkarting 7.62kb
238 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
MixUp (0 Comments)
Sdeplopusy, rhaeesecrrs at Cibmagrde Usritnviey have cuecondld taht it deosn't mteatr waht oredr the lerttes of a wrod are in; as lnog as the first and lsat lrtetes are in the ppreor place, you can sbarlcme the rset of the wrod hveweor...
shkutkov 7.46kb
236 total
4.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (0 Comments)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (1) Quotes (mostly complete dialoques) only German! Fluch der Karibik 1 Zitate bzw ganze Dialoge nur auf Deutsch in: /pirates1 out: Sparrow: Du kommst mir irgendwie bekannt vor, hab ich dich...
powerkarting 8.17kb
231 total
3.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Blazing Saddles (0 Comments)
Another one of those simple random quote generators, this one from the movie "Blazing Saddles!" Simply type "/blaze" into a chat window for completely raunchy quotes, if you've seen this movie then you know it has a lot of racial...
lvarga 14.63kb
219 total
4.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Dr. Cox Zitate -german- (0 Comments)
Deutsche Version des Dr. Cox Zitat generators... Benutzung: /dr_cox
Anacotic 9.38kb
217 total
3.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Whamb Now Playing (2 Comments)
Whamb Infoscripts Whamb is a digital audio player for OS X ( check it out @ ), this collection of scripts lets you display what are you listening to on whamb. After installation check Adium > Edit > Insert Script.
eLod 9.72kb
212 total
2.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: -0.28)
Will And Grace Quote Dispenser (0 Comments)
This AppleScript will display a random quote from the television series "Will and Grace". After installing it, just type in %wag and press enter in your message window. Over 100 in the list so far. Will add more as requested.
billieh 23.73kb
210 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Bruno Blanchet Generator (1 Comments)
This is a script for french adium-user. Every quotes come from a book named "Choses à nes pas faire" by Bruno Blanchet. En voyant le script de Chuck Norris, ben, j'ai eu l'idée de comme prendre le livre de Bruno Blanchet "Choses a ne...
Agurri 10.72kb
202 total
4.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.93)
Tombstone Movie Quote's (0 Comments)
After typing /stone the script will insert a random quote from the movie Tombstone.
kade 18.32kb
199 total
3.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.52)
Snowtape Script (7 Comments)
Displays currently playing/streaming/recording track in Snowtape. Keyword: /snow App Website:
MacGuyBrush 9.65kb
193 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Chuck Norris Facts (ITA) (0 Comments)
Tutti i migliori facts sul signore dell'universo, CHUCK NORRIS :D Commenti e suggerimenti graditi. Per avviare lo script digitare "%chuck".
lukarf 10.39kb
190 total
3.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
Interrobang (1 Comments)
"The interrobang or interabang[1] (pronounced /ɪnˈtɛrəbæŋ/), ‽, is a nonstandard English-language punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of the question mark (also called the interrogative...
Jackcday 8.39kb
185 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Swedish Random Sayings (0 Comments)
This script spits out random swedish sayings. I used the script "Yarr" by (vitaliy) as a template for this script and simply pasted swedish sayings, that i found on the net in there. As you probably understand, this script is intended...
MauserMan 16.66kb
180 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Plazes Display Name Plugin (0 Comments)
Using this plugin you will be able to use Plazes variables in your Adium Display Name (using the Adium Pref. Panel). The variables you can use in your display name are: %_plazename %_plazecity %_plazestate %_plazecountry...
lukasvermeer 30.51kb
176 total
2.8 / 6 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Peter Griffin Mania (0 Comments)
Una raffica di battute del padre di famiglia più strano del mondo. Graditi commenti e suggerimenti. Per avviare lo script digitare "%peter" Ovviamente le battute sono in lingua italiana.
lukarf 7.17kb
175 total
5.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
SAT Help (4 Comments)
This script will assist you in your taking of the SAT. It will randomly pick answer choices based on the amount of questions you specify are in the desired section (MC only).
czarlimit 6.63kb
172 total
3.3 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 0.44)
New Play Count (0 Comments)
this is just a modified version of the default playcount script. instead of just returning a number, it returns "played # times" or nothing at all if nothing is playing. Usage: %_newplaycount
booyakasha 6.1kb
172 total
3.0 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
The Tick Quotes (7 Comments)
With all the quote generators, I was shocked to find that there wasn't one for everyone's favorite blue nigh-invincible superhero, The Tick. I used the guts of the Dane Cook quote generator and replaced the quotes with a smattering of...
jdolas3 16.12kb
166 total
4.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.08)
Rhinoceros Party Fact Generator (1 Comments)
The facts are taken from This Party was never elected but their ideas were crazy ! There is also a french version available. It displays a random promisse . Just have to...
Agurri 9.35kb
165 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Rika Words (0 Comments)
A little script that inserts random words used by Rika from the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series. Hanyuu's "Hauu!" also included. Use the trigger %_rika anywhere in your message to have it replaced with a Rika word, nanodesu!...
evilbrak 3.71kb
163 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
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