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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Die Simpsons - Zitate (6 Comments)
Deutsche Simpsons-Zitate. Einfach mit %ds aufrufen! Viel Spaß!!! Schreibt mir doch wie es euch gefällt! German Simpsons-Quotes. Type %diesimpsons. Have Fun. Please leave any comments!
sideshow 1.75kb
3547 total
4.3 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 1.94)
Football Scores (0 Comments)
This Adium script gives you live NFL scores. To use it type %_nfl{team} to get a list of the team abbrieviations type %_nfl{help}. Enjoy. If you are going to use any of my code, please give me credit.
fiftyfour123 8.51kb
322 total
4.7 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.89)
Unholiest Blackmetal Songtitle-O-matic (7 Comments)
I don't know how many blackmetal fans there are out there in Adiumland, so it's entirely possible that no one has any clue what this script does. If you don't get it check out this. I took the idea from that site and then rewrote it...
ikirudennis 5.78kb
1026 total
4.5 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
Battery Buddy Icons (24 Comments)
This is a script to give you a icon with the level of your battery. Unzip the zip file into your homedir Picture, so ~/Pictures. Place %_batteryicon{delay} in your profile, alias, or away/available message to...
sturp 290.29kb
2156 total
4.4 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
Would You Rather... (9 Comments)
This will generate a random "Would You Rather..." dilemma. The dilemma list comes from There are currently 125 dilemmas in this script, but I will add more (there are over 600 on the website) if people are...
honeykrak 11.67kb
6029 total
4.2 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 1.85)
Homerisms (4 Comments)
A script that generates a random "What I've Learned" from Homer Simpson. Just type %homey and hit return in a chat window with a friend and a random "What Ive Learned" from Homer himself is sent to your friend over the chat window.
plasmonyc 5.33kb
4370 total
4.5 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.85)
Cartman Quotes (3 Comments)
Cartman Quotes! use type: /cartman enjoi.
nicka 9.25kb
3674 total
4.7 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
As verdades sobre Chuck Norris (6 Comments)
Português - Utilização do script "Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator" do usuário iDarryl. Troquei as verdades em inglês por verdades em português, retiradas do site "As verdades sobre Chuck Norris" - Para...
neoz 13.28kb
407 total
4.7 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
Magic 8 Ball (2 Comments)
Uses the Magic 8 Ball Telepathy API to remotely query the closest Magic 8 Ball. Use the power of the Magic 8 Ball to make vital business or life influencing decisions with friends and colleagues via Adium. Command: /8ball
adamd 2.58kb
3143 total
4.6 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
NBA Scores (0 Comments)
This applescript will get the scores of any nba team from Usage: To get a list of team abbreviations type: %_nba{help} To get scores type: %_nba{team} (the team's abbreviation goes in the brackets.)...
fiftyfour123 6.08kb
631 total
5.0 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.81)
Pizzabestellung (5 Comments)
100 Möglichkeiten, eine Pizza zu bestellen Jetzt als Plugin ;-) Dieses Script sendet via /pizza eine der folgenden 100 Möglichkeiten, eine Pizza zu bestellen: 1. Benutze ein Telefon mit Tonwahl und drücke...
inbreed 9.93kb
1087 total
4.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
WhereAmI (17 Comments)
An Adium insertion script that allows you to display a specific away message according to a flexible daily or weekly schedule. Complete with an intuitive GUI schedule editor!
Phoenix1701 313.61kb
6384 total
4.0 / 58 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Now playing in Cog (2 Comments)
This script shows your current Cog music. Set %_cog as your status message and you will get something like: Artist - Title
k0x 3.97kb
744 total
4.4 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Oscar Wilde Quotes (1 Comments)
A collection of Oscar Wilde quotes, some true, some not so true, and some obvious lies. For a real quote type /truewilde and for a fake quote of uncyclopedia fame type /fakewilde . The fake quotes may cause offence etc, but...
michael 31.31kb
2574 total
4.2 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.72)
iTunesPseudo (7 Comments)
Fr But: ItunesPseudo est petit script qui récupère les informations d'iTunes pour créer un pseudo. Dictionnaire des tags: #p# -> Pseudo #a# -> Artiste #t# -> Morceau #c# -> Album #y# -> Année #i# -> Emoticone en relation...
Thibaud 17.22kb
1039 total
4.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
Ralph Wiggum (3 Comments)
Are you a fan of Ralph Wiggum of The Simpsons? This will generate random quote such as: Ralph: And when the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life. Miss Hoover: Thank you Ralph, very graphic....
jase_den 10.37kb
4992 total
4.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
Random 'Casper & Mandrilaftalen' quotes (0 Comments)
If you know and love the Danish TV show 'Casper & Mandrilaftalen' - you'll love this. This will generate random quote from the show: Menig, min bror gør chokhonør! Just type /mandril in the message window/field and have fun :)
JFlindt 6.72kb
69 total
5.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
XKCD Alt Text Quotes (4 Comments)
This script displays quotes from the alt text embedded in each of the XKCD comics up until September 27, 2008 (about 480 quotes). One randomly selected word in each quote is a link to the original comic. After installation, type...
MattDanger 55.38kb
795 total
5.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
iTunes Comments (12 Comments)
Anyone else miss the %_comment script from the old Adium? I actually ended up putting clips of lyrics from more than 1,600 of my songs in iTunes so I could put it in my AIM profile through Adium. With version 1.0, this feature is not...
Haley 5.66kb
389 total
4.5 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.67)
Jack Bauer Facts (4 Comments)
Based on the facts from and the idea from the chuck noris fact generator, this script has 160+ random facts about Jack Bauer. Just type %jack and you'll get to see some of the classics such as: When life gave...
Wengero 17.17kb
1953 total
4.3 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.66)
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