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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Donkey Kong (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Donkey Kong dock icons from the 8-bit era. The following events are included in this xtra: Alert (animated) Away (animated) Base Connecting (animated) Idle (animated) Invisible Online If you're an old-tyme...
torgo 595.48kb
956 total
0.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
ZangiefBird (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Cutest angry bird ever.
asarah1980 164.4kb
27 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Tiny Services (0 Comments) - Service Icons
Very simple small services icons. Developed to be useful in a 12px setting instead of 16px. Clean icons in pill-shaped form, with a bleeding edge. Works best on dark or translucent contact lists.
deternitydx 22.31kb
472 total
2.2 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.76)
Kadu Penguins (1 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Animated Penguins from Polish opensource IM Kadu.
ceceron 327.83kb
105 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Google Play Music Now Playing (1 Comments) - AppleScripts
Send the currently playing Google Music track in Google Chrome to your buddies, or use it as your status. Commands: %_googlemusic_status : Red Step (Steve Aoki Remix) – Bassnectar & Jansten Thanks to Tobias B for the...
yorb 7.61kb
1059 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Troll Emoticons (0 Comments) - Emoticons
Troll Emoticons for Adium! Official Webpage: Official Facebook Page: Get Troll Emoticons Plus:
ThinqTekStudios 2.11mb
1245 total
3.9 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
Notification Center (4 Comments) - Contact List Styles
A contact list style that matches notification center as close as I could. I have it hidden on the edge of the screen so it slides when I bring the mouse to it. Recommended Settings: - Borderless window - Opacity: 100% - Don't...
Huevoos 11.1kb
2100 total
3.4 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.43)
Facebook Emoticons 27 icons (1 Comments) - Emoticons
This is the Emoticons pack for all the official Emoticons that Facebook provided at the moment(June 2012). This is a modified and retouched version of Facebook Emoticon Set from Doc.Pink( here ) Here is a List of Icons that...
johnathan1234 20.18kb
1188 total
3.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
Braille VP (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Braille VP was created to give you some awareness that there are others out there who must battle on a everyday basis with their blindness. You could say this is a "little" token or tribute to them as you show your status with the...
davidbl 35.39kb
119 total
4.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Terran Ghost (3 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is a totally Terran Ghost SoundSet from the lovely game StarCraft of course. You have 18 voices in this SoundSet, including example the "Nuclear Launch Detected", "Finally", "I'm here.", "I'm gone."... I think quite a good stuff,...
tilc 1.3mb
4707 total
3.8 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.49)
Terran (12 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is my "Terran" soundset (my first) from the famous game: Starcraft/Broodwar and I think it really pwns! :) Enjoy!
tilc 1.67mb
6058 total
3.6 / 155 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
StarCraft II Soundset (3 Comments) - Sound Sets
I saw the awesome gameplay video about StarCraft II, and I really like to make a soundset from that. You could hear the Immortals, the Black hole, Protoss/Terran captain, Zealots, the voice of the Protoss mothership appear, Terran Ghost...
tilc 1.23mb
8759 total
3.7 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 1.37)
Metro Experience (12 Comments) - Message Styles
Inspired by Microsoft's Metro UI language, this is my first submission to Adiumxtras. This is a message-style still in development and needs some further adjustments, but these are the features so far: 5 different colour-schemes...
Clartee 27.81kb
2484 total
4.9 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.98)
Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
I made this for my own enjoyment and I thought I'd share for other SpongeBob and Patrick fans.
abbeygirl81 706.8kb
474 total
4.1 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.19)
Adium CS6 (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adium icon that matches the Adobe CS6 icon set.
rocha 150.36kb
748 total
5.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
GTalkPlus (3 Comments) - Emoticons
The most complete Google Talk Icon Set available! Featuring all 35 Google Talk Emoticons. These icons work best on a white background and are animated. Please send me a message if i missed one.
padde 63.11kb
400 total
2.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: -0.12)
Event Logger (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
A long time ago i was searching for a tool that records the logins/logouts from a single contact in Adium. I managed to find "Adium Status Log", a ppc app that makes a set of scripts for logging contact activity as applescripts. When...
Reis 1.92kb
318 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
AdiumIcon Menubar (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
A simple Menu Bar Icon to match this wonderful dock icon . Enjoy!
InterestingJohn 41.52kb
426 total
3.7 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.33)
Glass Bubbles (7 Comments) - Dock Icons
A glass bubble icon set that fits well in OS X.
robertjcooper 1.3mb
332 total
5.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
Elegant mod + avatars and standard scrollbar (6 Comments) - Message Styles
Updated for Lion. Modified version of "Elegant Simple" to eliminate extra scripts and add user icons (avatars) to messages.
technicallyhesright 100.99kb
3794 total
3.4 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
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