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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Marble (0 Comments) - Status Icons
A set of status icons based on iPod nano 3g opaque-design. Juan994. Hope you like them!
Juan994 11.49kb
277 total
3.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Spotify Now Playing (22 Comments) - AppleScripts
Send the currently playing Spotify track to your buddies or use it as your status. Commands: %_spotify : /me is listening to 'Arrival To Earth' by 'Steve Jablonsky' on 'Transformers: The Score' %_spotify_status :...
toabi 6.12kb
5658 total
4.5 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 2.19)
Facebook Message Style (0 Comments) - Message Styles
Facebook Message Style
mauriciodm 17.17kb
1639 total
4.2 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.84)
CurrentLocation (23 Comments) - AppleScripts
Thanks to Dean Carlson for fixing the script! this script determines your current location based on your ip address. It outputs your city followed by the region (state or province) and country. to use type %_mylocation
fiftyfour123 7.25kb
1494 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
german /brb (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
A german Version of /brb -removed some Nonsens -added some new stuf ------------------------- A german Version of /brb -dummes Zeug wurde entfernt -neune Sätze wurden hinzugefügt Bsp.: bin gleich wieder da - Der...
marschal 9.32kb
81 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Lion Sidebar (1 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Just a little contact list theme, made to look similar to a Mac OS X Lion sidebar. I hope you enjoy it.
ermonas 2.91kb
3974 total
4.4 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Taz - Contact List (7 Comments) - Contact List Styles
People have been requesting i make a contact list style to go with my message style taz sooo, here goes! best used with Taz []
pritthish 5.4kb
3825 total
4.4 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
Gadu-Gadu menu bar icon by MKALEM (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Gadu-Gadu (Polish IM) Menu Bar icon for Adium. Contains Online, Offline and Invisible status only, but may be updated with all status icons if you like it. Enjoy. Set with my Gadu-Gadu dock icons -...
Mkalem 16.72kb
174 total
2.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
Gadu-Gadu dock icon by MKALEM (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adium dock icon for polish IM - Gadu-Gadu. Contains Online & Offline icons only. May be updated with all status if you like it. Enjoy!
Mkalem 570.35kb
196 total
3.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
herp derp thesaurus (0 Comments) - AppleScripts
WHY WOULD I USE THIS? 1. Because you wanted to insert a random herp or a derp into your convo, 2. Because you wanted to increase your herp derp vocab instantly, 3. Because your friends continually herp and derp but you cannot come...
gooniumX 11.43kb
125 total
4.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Pinkie Pie (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Modified from TehNomad's Pony Token Icons . For those who need more pony in their Adium experience. Includes images for Offline, Online, Away, and Content alerts. Idle is identical to Away. Enjoy!
peterpanswendy 62.81kb
258 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Samus Aran Helmet (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
I wanted to have a Metroid Dock Icon because I was totally amazed by Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, but I didn't really like the ones which were available here - so I created one myself. It's not that spectacular yet, so if you have any...
Corny 107.72kb
1900 total
4.5 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.62)
S.A.C. (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
The S.A.C. (Synthetical Atomic Compressor) is not only the bag Jade uses in Beyond Good & Evil, but it also contains an AI and serves as a kind of PDA and communicator in the game. So here's a S.A.C.-icon for Adium! I'm happy to hear...
Corny 79.7kb
544 total
4.4 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 1.34)
4chat - 4chan Message Style (0 Comments) - Message Styles
An adaption of the yellow futuba/yotsuba imageboard style as seen on 4chan. The blue one is used on more boards actually, but I don't like to use it for chatting. It's really crude and comes without any bells and whistles for now.
jlnr 13.79kb
870 total
3.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Doctor Who (2 Comments) - Sound Sets
Doctor Who soundset with 11 different sound effects from the Tardis, Daleks, and sonic screwdriver. Pair it with the "Tardis and Adiumy" dock icon for a perfect Doctor Who themed experience!
yoha_ahoy 6.39mb
1491 total
4.2 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Traffic Lights Status Icon Set (4 Comments) - Status Icons
A colorful and complete status icon set with crisp transparency. Inspired by the traffic lights concept of the Mac OS UI. Some notes on the icon colors: The Invisible icon (as far as I know) isn't ever visible in the Contact...
HumphreyBogart 124.33kb
1187 total
4.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
SimKete (8 Comments) - Message Styles
When I first tried kopete with support of Adium Themes I was unpleasantly surprised how complicated all those styles are and how much they try to look different than the surrounding environment. So I have cleaned up a kopete style...
mcpel 2.84kb
1427 total
3.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Profanity Filter (1 Comments) - Plugins
Want to have a safer and friendlier chat environment? This might be the plug-in for you. This is my very first adium plug-in and open source project. I am still learning objective C. This plug-in is very primitive. I plan to make it more...
gfrkwiz 5.8kb
405 total
3.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
Windows Live Messenger 2011 Emoticons (0 Comments) - Emoticons
Updated emoticons for Windows Live Messenger 2011. Thanks to Lionel Hernou and Jean-paul Mata for providing the emoticons on Original Smileys Theme for Pidgin .
hh10k 171.82kb
1926 total
4.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Facebook Sound Set (0 Comments) - Sound Sets
Facebook Sound Set
mauriciodm 8.94kb
930 total
4.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
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