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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Metal Chat 2 (AvG remix) (24 Comments) - Message Styles
Based on Metal Chat 2 originally submitted By David Legnon (mr_misanthropy) I've added timestamp in the name header, previous conversations transparent and in grey, and three new styles: Red & Violet, Aqua & Graphite and Black &...
AvG 418.21kb
12002 total
4.1 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 2.06)
Hearty (5 Comments) - Status Icons
Similar to my stars status icons, but colorful hearts!
Chimpytwm 44.54kb
11887 total
4.1 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Outlines (11 Comments) - Service Icons
These icons were originally created to go with my intrigueBlue list theme, but I've kept on using them even after growing tired of that theme, so I thought people might appreciate an independent release. I have been using the...
BlueRevolution 285.64kb
11879 total
3.0 / 93 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
PlainText Plugin (18 Comments) - Plugins
PlainText Plugin emulates the "Show received message formatting" option that was removed from Adium. This plugin removes bold, italics and underline formatting from incoming messages. It does not touch colors, fonts or outgoing messages.
yanokwa 6.14kb
11827 total
4.2 / 286 votes
(Ranking: 2.95) (7 Comments) - Emoticons
Over 130 emoticons- Trillian alternative available on
chem 243.66kb
11811 total
3.5 / 105 votes
(Ranking: 1.01)
Windows Live Messenger Sounds (0 Comments) - Sound Sets
Message Received sound Mail Received Contact Signs On
ita4pmc 99.27kb
11747 total
3.8 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 1.06)
Synthetic Frost (2 Comments) - Sound Sets
Synthetic Frost is the 4th and final set in the "Synthetic" series. This set has been in the works since the very beginning of my interest in creating sounds for our favorite instant messenger. It's been in the works, fought with,...
SyntheticFrost 109.53kb
11695 total
3.7 / 107 votes
(Ranking: 1.42)
Bash (8 Comments) - Message Styles
About me: Follow me on twitter , I'll post every time I update this extra. My website: About this message style: Well, this is the way I have my terminal, so it's way better to...
jao 10.2kb
11662 total
3.4 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 0.62)
Marten-Plain White (6 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Menu bar icons for the Marten-Plain message theme - White style. Includes: Online, away, idle, invisible, content and offline. Enjoy.
marten 8.89kb
11657 total
3.8 / 100 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Msn Restyle (4 Comments) - Emoticons
I recreated all 78 emoticons with a slight more Mac-look. They're all .png's so you can use them on any background. Not all of them are exact the way I want them but feel free to make changes. All of them are 20 pixels high, so they...
n8n 873.43kb
11655 total
4.0 / 85 votes
(Ranking: 1.93)
Mini LEDs (8 Comments) - Status Icons
A set of status icons, inspired by that new Windows Live beta thing.
metaphysical 22.2kb
11643 total
4.1 / 66 votes
(Ranking: 2.00)
Calvin and Hobbes Quotes (15 Comments) - AppleScripts
This is pretty sweet. It picks a random calvin and hobbes quote out of a list, and displays it. Use with %_calvin. I suggest possibly following it with something like "-Calvin and Hobbes"
mrmacdude 11.24kb
11587 total
4.4 / 90 votes
(Ranking: 2.74)
MontyPython (12 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is a silly Monty Python soundset. Some of the sounds are a little long, so they might get annoying after a while, but feel free to customize it to your liking. It was also made very quickly by googling for sounds. Give it a try...
trebe 186.53kb
11564 total
3.2 / 123 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
katamari dock icon (12 Comments) - Dock Icons
Animated Katamari Damacy dock icon! (includes Prince of All Cosmos)
kdaver 405.28kb
11429 total
4.0 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 1.78)
Homer Soundset (3 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is a set of homer sounds that are not too annoying or obtrusive.
roper 236.48kb
11407 total
3.5 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
panther_desaturated_bgrd (6 Comments) - Contact List Styles
cropped desaturated panther bgrd image for your contact list minus bling. font colors indicate status: black = online grey = idle white = idle and away / away
Ji_ 112.8kb
11356 total
3.7 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
SPeCks (21 Comments) - Dock Icons
This is my first Adium Xtra. And what better subject to use than my very own SPeCks . This here's Bob. The Dock Icon has all the states covered: Awake/Preview, Away, Asleep/Base, Connect, Alert and Invisible. As you can see, most...
tamashii 64.37kb
11294 total
4.0 / 123 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
Stargate SG-1 (6 Comments) - Sound Sets
Sounds from the series Stargate SG-1. Now updated with the new sound events in Adium .62.
smajor 992.73kb
11286 total
3.3 / 147 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
tahci menu icon (4 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
The "iChat-in-reverse" menu icon, representing all states of your chat status. For various reasons, I need to run Adium in addition to iChat. I wanted a replacement set of menu icons which would "fit" with other system menu items,...
bdlatimer 33.74kb
11271 total
2.7 / 146 votes
(Ranking: -0.65)
AluminumAlloy (18 Comments) - Message Styles
This theme is based on the Aluminum Alloy OSX theme by Max at
lains_navi 411.04kb
11249 total
3.1 / 202 votes
(Ranking: 0.23)
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