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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Xicq (0 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Goes with the Xicons set! Please vote for it if you like it!
Schubi 46.31kb
11229 total
3.0 / 221 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Butters Bear (10 Comments) - Dock Icons
Butters from South Park dressed as a bear in the Paris Hilton Episode.
jdurchen 141.38kb
11171 total
3.9 / 107 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
Monkey Mania Emoticons (3 Comments) - Emoticons
My first Xtra! Hope you guys like it!
Chaotik 72.96kb
11158 total
4.1 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 1.99)
Simply Smooth (16 Comments) - Message Styles
This was originally the Smooth Operator message style, but there were some things about it that I personally didn't like, so I took it into my own hands, and well..this is what you get. *NEW* • Fonts are more readable...
Aqueous 55.15kb
11153 total
3.8 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Quick Status (28 Comments) - AppleScripts
Quick Away is now Quick Status It's for all those situations where you need to quickly set an away, brb or available status. It also gives you the possibility to have the status returned to the person(s) you're chatting with....
Diatribe 35.92kb
11108 total
4.2 / 243 votes
(Ranking: 2.86)
White Graphite (5 Comments) - Contact List Styles
White Adium Theme
pedromperez80 1.41kb
11062 total
3.8 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 1.54)
Smooth Operator - EkDor Variant 1 (7 Comments) - Message Styles
A direct variation on the "Smooth Operator" theme. It has alterations to font formatting, layout, and some image changes. A nice alternative to an already very usable theme. Credit to the original creator/s due!
EkDor 493.83kb
10956 total
4.0 / 38 votes
(Ranking: 1.58)
Bunchie (34 Comments) - Dock Icons
here is my second dock icon, i think it is a BIG improvement from my last. for example the alert animation has 11 frames in it. im curios about what you think, post your comments.
sdh 78.76kb
10918 total
3.9 / 208 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
BrushedMetal (20 Comments) - Message Styles
This theme is based on the Brushed Metal OSX theme by Max at
lains_navi 555.72kb
10899 total
3.1 / 242 votes
(Ranking: 0.24)
Marten-Plain Buddy (7 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
Menu bar icons for the Marten-Plain message theme - Buddy style. Includes: Online, away, idle, invisible, content and offline. Enjoy.
marten 9.44kb
10897 total
3.6 / 111 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
Adium on Spanish (13 Comments) - Sound Sets
Adium on Spanish is a little soundset for spanish users. Adium en español es un tema de audio pensado para los usuarios de Adium que hablan este idioma. Las alertas (conexión, desconexión, errores, etc) son habladas, permitiendo tener...
XiMac 840.49kb
10831 total
3.6 / 110 votes
(Ranking: 1.22)
MSN Animated + MSN Customs (8 Comments) - Emoticons
This is an emoticon pack containing 119 original and custom MSN emoticons. All of them is based on the standard MSN Messenger icons and a large amount of them have been replaced with animated versions. This package also includes...
sdh 194.9kb
10777 total
3.8 / 41 votes
(Ranking: 1.29)
Bender quotes (8 Comments) - AppleScripts
Displays a random quote said by Bender from the Fox animated show Futurama. The trigger is /bender
cptyesterday 6.03kb
10755 total
4.3 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 2.21)
iAdiumBubble 2 (11 Comments) - Dock Icons
iAdiumBubble 2 combines graphics from my current favorite, iBubble 2 with graphics from my original dock icon, iAdium . With minor modifications, the chat bubble images were created by Iiro Jäppinen .
flernk 1.09mb
10729 total
4.1 / 98 votes
(Ranking: 2.19)
Pixely (5 Comments) - Service Icons
Pixel Service Icons Hi. I have updated the theme with the recently added services Adium 1.4 offers. (Twitter, IRC and Laconica). Enjoy. Regarding your requests: I might make a .mac icon in a few days. Never really used it but...
tabledrummer 121.98kb
10725 total
2.7 / 54 votes
(Ranking: -0.52)
AppleGui (16 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Here is the most love GUI..Apple Gui.. Pls install the status icons to get the same style and but the transparent of the contact list to 25% thanks -=LT=-
Little_Tiger 105.03kb
10717 total
3.8 / 68 votes
(Ranking: 1.47)
Clouds (18 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Includes: 1 x Contact List Layouts 1 x Contact List Colour Schemes 3 x Icon Packs A gentle, light theme, this contact list style also includes the new status icon packs, "Glass" (shown - top image), "Radian" (shown - bottom...
dcentity2000 304.28kb
10713 total
3.7 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
xpk status icons (3 Comments) - Status Icons
Adium status icons, converted from miranda icons xpk pixelperfect. Type: general Search for another from xpk set.
twee.doderik 39.66kb
10710 total
4.0 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.64)
Bloo (11 Comments) - Dock Icons
From Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, here's Blooregard Q. Kazoo. The loveable and mischevious imaginary friend of Mac. I figured Bloo would make an ok dock icon, so here he is. I didn't want to make anything really...
coerul 412.64kb
10682 total
4.2 / 70 votes
(Ranking: 2.21)
Whirl 2 (8 Comments) - Status Icons
Even sweeter, this time with no artificial sweeteners or colouring :) Version 2 of the original iconpack, Whirl . Contains two icon packs, standard and traffic, displayed in that order in the last two screenshots; both screenshots...
dcentity2000 248.44kb
10671 total
4.1 / 49 votes
(Ranking: 1.86)
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