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All by user BlackandWhitePenguin [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Growing Glass (8 Comments) - Message Styles
I created this style to match my new desktop (Growing, by Alex J, which is included in the package). It comes in Orange & Blue (normal), Pink & Green and Pink & Blue.
12023 total
3.8 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
LanhamGlass Pack (23 Comments) - Message Styles
I modified my modified GlassMod Message Style to include little snipets from pictures by David Lanham (I'm a big fan of his work, and I think other people here are too). The only difference between these and my GlassMod style is...
8500 total
3.7 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 1.27)
Somatic Dots (5 Comments) - Status Icons
A while back I downloaded these and have been using them ever since. However, when I went back to look for them when I was making Gnome's Set I couldn't find them anywhere. I have finally decided to upload this (slightly modified)...
2389 total
3.5 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
GlassMod (3 Comments) - Message Styles
I modified the Glass Message Style by Spike May (which is a mod of Protoscroll– it just keeps going and going). I may be adding variants soon. Also, not sure how well the download/install is working, so speak up if it doesn't work...
3170 total
3.3 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 0.41)
POPO Dock Icon (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
In the course of my quest to create every kind of extra I made this dock icon. There is no animation (which I personally prefer, I'm not sure about the rest of y'alls) but there are all the states. For some reason the preview in...
1779 total
3.1 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
¶ilcrow'd (4 Comments) - Status Icons
I made these in honor of a punctuation-obsessed friend. Includes all sorts of variably obscure punctuation and editorial marks, courtesy of our friend Unicode. Let's hear one for the ol' UTF-8! Another punctuation-based goody may be...
513 total
3.0 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Nosey Neighbor Emoticons (8 Comments) - Emoticons
I Give You: "Nosey Neighbor, The Badly Drawn Cross Between Finder and a Pixilated Hawk" I decided to try my hand at emoticons, and this was the result. Somewhere between "retro" and "ugly" there is The Nosey Neighbor. I'm quite...
510 total
2.9 / 37 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Bloxes (3 Comments) - Status Icons
I threw together these status icons in a couple minutes but I like how they turned out (sorta). Inside the .zip there are two sets: Bloxes and Bloxes Bold. Both contain available, away, idle, offline, typing and new message icons....
921 total
2.8 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.27)
Mango's Set (6 Comments) - Miscellaneous
I suppose this should be called Gnome's Set now...but that would be confusing, so we don't talk about it much.... Some time ago I saw someone (now known to be ispytonyv) who had submitted the set of Xtras they use, sadly that has...
3708 total
2.8 / 48 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
Gnome's Set (8 Comments) - Miscellaneous
So, here is my remixed set (full of Somatic style). My Set: 1. Simply Smooth Message Style (with modified Purple/Green style) (Aqueous) 2. Fresh! Contact List (Boramor) 3. Somatic Dots Status Icons 4. Slightly Modified...
1501 total
2.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.91)
Bloxoglyphs (0 Comments) - Status Icons
Building on the lack of success of my Bloxes status icons I've designed these ones with both colour and icons. The icons are modeled after those in the Blocks set. It comes in normal and shade which has a black background.
287 total
2.1 / 19 votes
(Ranking: -1.15)
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