
Profile: BlackVariant

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# by BlackVariant on 02/25/07 at 18:14:31

Ok, I added .zip to the end and it works fine now. Strange, I didn't have to do that with the service icons... :s

Nice work BTW! :D

# by BlackVariant on 02/25/07 at 18:11:33

I've tried that a couple of times now, but it still doesn't work! x.x I tried downloading the service icons again, and they still work fine. :s

Thanks for trying to help anyways.

# by BlackVariant on 02/25/07 at 18:04:54

I'm not able to open this one, and yes I did right click and selected Stuffit to open the file. Strange, I'm able to open the service icons...

# by BlackVariant on 02/15/07 at 17:31:56

I use to think this set was done fairly poorly, but the new version (3.x) looks awesome!