
Profile: iwamoto (iwamoto)

Comment Count 23 comments
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# by iwamoto on 01/11/11 at 13:54:19

Customizable backgrounds would be so awesome, i use HUD skin so black @ 80% op. would look so cool.

# by iwamoto on 08/20/10 at 16:02:34

It looked pretty standard, but it's actually an awesome theme !

# by iwamoto on 06/08/08 at 10:40:55

very nice, does what it needs to do, no extra's, great work !

# by iwamoto on 05/10/08 at 22:10:50

wow, many many thanks, this one looks even cooler, one of the best things is the idle tail wag, just amazing, 12 ducks definetly!

# by iwamoto on 04/20/08 at 11:39:04

realy realy cool, will there be a blue version as well? please?