
Profile: jego

Comment Count 11 comments
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# by jego on 05/08/06 at 03:53:25

ajenko said: the script would put a ton of traffic on their site (enough to really bog the servers down), and adding the link was our agreement.

so I said thats its small

# by jego on 04/26/06 at 00:31:51

the script is 4.34kb big.....

# by jego on 02/17/06 at 03:35:27

hehe I know... was just joking...

You kicked me out of the game by the way ;)

# by jego on 08/28/04 at 11:38:15

lol, I know that, that name is not cool, I was joking.


# by jego on 08/05/04 at 18:20:51

thanks worked. :)