
Profile: Genesis

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# by Genesis on 09/21/07 at 17:10:17

No. Apparently the standard for German systems always is 24h. But as you intend to add that anyway (see Katios comment), you can disregard my request.

# by Genesis on 09/18/07 at 14:59:32

PM definitely. The only other thing one might consider would be the option to allow 24h cycles, but I don't know whether that doesn't overcomplicate things. AM/PM would be just great. ;-)

# by Genesis on 09/18/07 at 10:28:23

Oh this is just awesome. What a great Watchmen reference! And I didn't even test the program yet...

# by Genesis on 09/18/07 at 09:28:22

On German systems it says "nachm." (short for Nachmittag) instead of PM. Problem is that it collides with the normal text. Does anyone know a way around this?