
Profile: Eion Robb (BigBrownChunx)

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# by BigBrownChunx on 03/19/13 at 23:41:56

Yes the source is available at
I've made the changes in SVN to fix the server-side change of the random buddies, but I haven't yet built a new Adium plugin, sorry :(

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/13/13 at 23:45:00

Unfortunately not, the Skype api doesn't tell us whether they're mobile users or not

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/29/12 at 12:07:30

Could you not include the necessary files in the adiumplugin resources?

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/20/12 at 01:28:36

Yep, if you have a look through the comments here and at the issue tracker on googlecode, it's a long standing issue. I could really do with a hand to fix it as the same code works fine in other clients eg Pidgin. If you look at your blist.xml file you'll notice the buddy being added multiple times. It's as if Adium forgets that the buddy is already on the buddy list when it restarts and just adds them to the end of the buddy list again.

# by BigBrownChunx on 05/08/12 at 20:07:31

Unfortunately with the most recent version of Skype for osx, some people are missing some of their messages. Not entirely sure what's going on yet but if you could email me a debug log from Adium with some missed messages we might be able to track it down.