
Profile: JB M (iMicrobe)

Comment Count 5 comments
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# by iMicrobe on 05/08/08 at 08:00:16

de rien ! Indique moi ce qu'il faut améliorer :-)

# by iMicrobe on 05/04/08 at 13:28:28

Logical. Sorry for this stupid question :-p

# by iMicrobe on 05/04/08 at 11:42:08

How do you have the bubble "accounts" ?

# by iMicrobe on 05/04/08 at 08:14:14

Bonjour à tous les francophones !

J'ai posté à l'instant un version française du set. Elle sera probablement disponible sous peu !
Bonne journée :-)

(this is to say that a french version will be relased in a few days)