
Profile: benmerrill

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# by benmerrill on 06/25/08 at 02:56:07

Traditional Chinese:

%_trshow{zh, en, 您叫什麼名字?}
No translation found for "您叫什麼名字?"

%_trshow{zh-TW, en, 您叫什麼名字?}
No translation found for "您叫什麼名字?"

Simplified Chinese:

%_trshow{zh-CN, en, 您叫什么名字?}
No translation found for "您叫什么名字?"

%_trshow{zh-CN, en, 您叫什么名字?}
No translation found for "您叫什么名字?"

Translating from English to Chinese works fine, traditional or simplified.

%_tr{zh-CN, en, 您叫什么名字?}
This just sends the message in Chinese.

All of the above should work I think, since it works in Google translate.

I appreciate all of your hard work.