
Profile: Thom Graham (Vox)

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# by Vox on 01/08/11 at 08:52:47

Really? Oh man that's a shame.
I hate to say this, but a fix is pretty unlikely: I'm really busy now (and will be for the foreseeable future… A-levels, then Uni) and I don't use Adium any more, never mind this message style.

Sorry about that.
I'm sure you can find a better one quite easily though. :P

# by Vox on 04/21/09 at 12:13:09

You like how Jonas took the classic look of the iChat icon...
Just to clarify. Don't want anyone to think I'm taking credit. : P

# by Vox on 04/20/09 at 12:58:29

Hah, now that's a challenge.
The best place to look for the icons would be in MacThemes' Icon request thread (
The Finder icon is Ekisho FInder by Jonas Rask. The globe is "Glow|be," not sure who by. Photoshop icon is "Photoshop blue feather." iTunes is "Sidebar Music Pink"
Yadda yadda.
I can send you them in an iContainer if you want, or the .icns if you don't have Candybar; just send me your email address.