
Profile: Kyle Balon (KBS117)

Google Talk
Comment Count 19 comments
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# by KBS117 on 06/16/09 at 21:07:42

Ya, I agree. Possibly you could make the border around them a soft white?

# by KBS117 on 06/16/09 at 20:21:35

Really good, possibly a color variant, or having the names alternate between sender and receiver?

# by KBS117 on 06/16/09 at 20:16:04

Ya, I cant change the colors either?

# by KBS117 on 06/09/09 at 00:31:00

Great! If you could put something green (like a check) inside of the online/available circle it would make them PERFECT!

# by KBS117 on 06/09/09 at 00:30:59

Great! If you could put something green (like a check) inside of the online/available circle it would make them PERFECT!