
Profile: Louis Bartlett (AbusedZebra)

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# by AbusedZebra on 08/19/09 at 23:00:26

How would you change this script to spam a message? for example /spam{Message} ???

# by AbusedZebra on 07/20/09 at 21:02:13

ok i just had a problem any convo i opened it would start spamming unlimited ones to without me telling it to lmao

# by AbusedZebra on 07/20/09 at 20:48:39

OMG I LOVE this script!!!!! my favorite by far!!!
whoops i kinda just edited it so it sends 10000 messages instead of 10 ;D my mates a bit pissed off tbh :D

# by AbusedZebra on 07/16/09 at 18:04:55

whats the command to send it? bit stupid uploading something and not saying the command tbh mate :D