
Profile: Ryan Collman (vivalanation734)

Comment Count 3 comments
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# by vivalanation734 on 02/25/06 at 15:23:20

-ryan collman

# by vivalanation734 on 02/25/06 at 15:21:29

Wow.. Thank you for pimping out my face!

no joke.. I giggled.. a lot.

# by vivalanation734 on 07/31/05 at 09:00:33

Woot 11 downloads..... I did it for giggles... I have a few friends that use it.. it makes me smile... and just imagine if one of you used it.... and your friends saw it they'd be all like "Who is that!?!?" and you'd be like...... "Ryan Collman.." and then that awkward slience would ensue..... it'd be great.