
Profile: Alex Maras (alexmaras)

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# by alexmaras on 09/30/10 at 12:48:08

:D YAY! ok, i updated, it didnt work. then i checked updates, and realised i was running on a beta version. i downgraded and all seems to be dandy so far! im sticking with stable unless theres something i need from beta from now on :P THANK YOU WEBVETERAN!...just wondering whether you were able to very quickly check the beta on the offchance that that broke it.... only if you have time! thank you so much for your patience!

# by alexmaras on 09/16/10 at 14:42:08

:) thats all good webveteran, im pretty sure i can live with it for a fair while longer ;) love it too much to give up!

# by alexmaras on 09/15/10 at 15:26:36

hi webveteran, fantastic theme youve made up here, just wondering if that auto scrolling to the bottom ever got fixed or looked at? i cant get enough of that theme, but that one problem is bugging me :D