
Profile: Simon (Symeon)

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# by Symeon on 12/03/08 at 07:36:07

I mean spinning three-dimensionally around the vertical middle, not clockwise

# by Symeon on 12/03/08 at 07:34:20

How about losing the duck and just have the logo, and have it turn red for alert, transparent for away/idle, and slowly spinning for connecting?

# by Symeon on 02/13/07 at 15:11:37

I second this request

# by Symeon on 10/06/05 at 14:13:03

I agree with that. I'd love to get something that is funny without beeing either vulgar or in any sense offensive.

# by Symeon on 10/03/05 at 04:43:24

"teleport" is no sound?