
Profile: Jamie Genet (Wizardling)

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# by Wizardling on 10/31/11 at 22:49:07

Sadly broken now :-(

# by Wizardling on 08/01/09 at 04:11:16

You assume I have a clue which US cities are in the same zone :-D

# by Wizardling on 01/15/09 at 20:48:03

Pretty handy - cheers! :-)

# by Wizardling on 01/15/09 at 20:45:35

Boring quote selection. Out of four tries I got:

Do you want me to send you back to where you were - unemployed in Greenland?!
2:44:54 PM
Have fun storming the castle!
2:44:58 PM
Do you want me to send you back to where you were - unemployed in Greenland?!
2:45:03 PM
It's not that bad. I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.

# by Wizardling on 01/15/09 at 20:43:52

Returns "Auckland, Auckland" for me which, aside from being the wrong city, is the same city repeated twice - odd. Clearly a script that needs some work, but would be cool if it worked.