
Profile: Rafael Masoni (rmasoni)

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# by rmasoni on 05/10/11 at 02:15:21

I just figured that this was a problem with the latest Adium beta build (1.4.2~). I reinstalled version 1.4.1 and it works fine now. I'm not installing beta builds anymore…

# by rmasoni on 05/10/11 at 00:50:08

People can see my custom emoticons but I can't see theirs. It only shows the “?” blue icon as if it's loading.

I already updated the plugin and tested with the “Display custom emoticons” account option checked and unchecked. Nothing seems to make it work.

Also, when a friend is the first one to send a custom emoticon, my custom emoticon list will deactivate and only reactivate when I send a custom emoticon by typing its text shortcut.

Please tell me what I have to do in order for this to work properly once again.