
Profile: haruspex

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# by haruspex on 10/22/13 at 14:21:20

Thank you, but please release the source so that others may continue this

# by haruspex on 07/28/12 at 08:57:54

Tried to build and ran in to issues with AILocalizationButton.h
Unknown type name 'AILocalizationAnchorMovementType' in ../Adium.framework/Headers/AILocalizationButton.h
Unknown type name 'AILocalizationAnchorMovementType' in ../Adium.framework/Headers/AILocalizationButton.h
Expected a type in ../Adium.framework/Headers/AILocalizationButton.h

# by haruspex on 10/03/11 at 20:24:48

Any chance you can add a function to display the title of the video alongside the thumbnail or in some other fashion?