
Profile: Stephane Turpin (sturp)

Comment Count 4 comments
1 xtras

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# by sturp on 03/14/09 at 22:16:15

Try to change these lines:
set Capacity to (do shell script "ioreg -l | grep -i -m1 IOBatteryInfo | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d= -f3")
set Current to (do shell script "ioreg -l | grep -i -m1 IOBatteryInfo | cut -d, -f4 | cut -d= -f2")

set Capacity to (do shell script "ioreg -l | grep MaxCapacity | cut -d= -f 2")
set Current to (do shell script "ioreg -l | grep CurrentCapacity | cut -d= -f 2")

Because I developed the initial script on my iBook G4 and on new Intel Mac, the command is quite differente...
I have not tested the lines, I have just tested the line in terminal.

# by sturp on 02/04/07 at 17:44:40

Someone could be sent me the result of the command : ioreg -l

Thanks for your help ;-)

# by sturp on 05/27/06 at 22:34:54

just 3 things to do when you unzip this adium xtras :
1/ unzip and copy the Battery Icons folder to your homedir Pictures
2/ unzip and install the Battery (just double click to install)
3/ add the text %_batteryicon{5} in your alias name

and wait 5min, you personal icon must change after 5min, to see it you can add yourself in your contact list ;-)

# by sturp on 05/26/06 at 22:58:02

Just copy the BATTERY ICONS folder in your Pictures folder (in your home directory)

And just %_batteryicon{5} after your Alias