
Profile: Max Mxwllsmrt4 (Mxwllsmrt4)

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# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 10/01/07 at 23:37:34

hmmm isn't working for me anymore

used to use it all the time.

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 03/02/07 at 23:55:56

well it is sweet.

nicely done.

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 03/02/07 at 12:36:36

that background is sweet where did you get?

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 01/16/07 at 22:07:25

sorry i am and idiot and didn't just read how to do it above.

sorry dude.

cool style though, really love it.

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 01/16/07 at 21:57:31

how do i turn off the animation?