
Profile: High Pass (highpass)

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# by highpass on 04/23/07 at 05:25:00

No Dutch? No deal!

Otherwise good plug - especially the Hitchhikers style icon ;)

# by highpass on 03/28/07 at 07:35:58

Have you set these up for Adium or have you merely bundled all the images together in a package?

They don't install properly, nor is there any Emoticons.plist file in the downloaded version.

Shame, good work.

# by highpass on 01/23/07 at 05:16:27

Indeed, i noticed the missing wink. Probably one of the top 5 most used emoticons yet sadly this set doesn't seem to have it. Apart from that, love these to bits.

# by highpass on 07/28/06 at 04:16:15

Ticket created for said issue. Check link for progress (if any).

# by highpass on 07/27/06 at 13:19:38

Aha. A nice idea in theory, almost removes the need for a multistate menubar icon completely though! Here's hoping it's an optional thing come final release. Ta for the info.