
Profile: crucialgent

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# by crucialgent on 08/09/06 at 14:47:45

aahh... i got it..

# by crucialgent on 08/09/06 at 14:37:24

i am, i'm in /Users/sharvinwhitted/Desktop/proteus2adium_8_6446_2810/

is that not right?

# by crucialgent on 08/09/06 at 14:09:41


I deleted the line "cp ~/Library/Application Support/Proteus/Profile/History.db CopyHistory.db" , copied the history.db file to the folder, renamed, and i this was the log:

scd:~ sharvinwhitted$ /Users/sharvinwhitted/Desktop/proteus2adium_8_6446_2810/./
Create copy of History.db first
create log files
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Proteus2AdiumX
Cnvert did not succeed, skip remaining tasks
scd:~ sharvinwhitted$

any thoughts? thanks for the help btw

# by crucialgent on 08/09/06 at 11:58:37

i saved a backup of my history.db file a while ago and want to merge that with my current history.db before i convert to adium... does anyone know how to do this?

# by crucialgent on 08/04/06 at 16:13:25

I'm getting the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Proteus2AdiumX
Cnvert did not succeed, skip remaining tasks

Any ideas?