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Submitted By Mike Wagner (lains_navi)


This theme is based on the BBX Mercury X OSX theme by Max at


  • Now compatible with Adium X 0.8

  • Changed the status images for the Light variant from black to match the menu bar in the osx theme instead.


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# by michelebugliaro on 11/22/04 at 20:54:50

Black is too strong.

# by on 11/24/04 at 02:15:16

I must agree... maybe a dark gray/blue, like appears in the gradient for the incoming text's bubble/block/thing. Also, the gradients on the sides of the date-separator are a little weird.

On a different note: The icon you gave this could make a sweet dock icon (though, being a traditionalist, I probably wouldn't use it).

# by lains_navi on 11/24/04 at 03:13:57

thanks for the feedback ^^ . i was waiting for a second comment before i went ahead and did some changes to the black. to me, it seemed like it was more bbx mercury x style, but ah well. i'll make some adjustments for the next version. most likely by next tuesday. and, that could make a neat dock icon... never thought of making a dock icon before... i may do that later on.

# by Digital_Corpus on 12/07/04 at 17:49:10

if you look in at the readme provided w/ BBX Mercury, you'll see that the color of the menus is provided. Its much easier on the eyes than black.

# by lains_navi on 12/08/04 at 01:40:40

Personally, I like the black, myself, but for some reason I didn't think of not using black in the status images when people said they didn't like the black *hits self*
And thanks for letting me know that, digital_corpus! I'm going to check that out in a few minutes and then change the color for the status images to work better for the light variant ^^

# by Digital_Corpus on 12/13/04 at 05:50:56

No problem, I use BBX Mercury as my main theme anyhow. I'd love to see this fit in right.

# by Legolas on 12/22/04 at 23:47:29

As soon as I installed this Adium started crashing whenever I went to the message prefs. Does anyone know how I can unistall this add-on? I have tried digging around the package contents, but I can't find it.

# by lains_navi on 12/23/04 at 15:25:26

that's really weird. i can tell you, though, it probably doesn't have anything to do w/ the theme. to uninstall it, just go to library/application support/adium 2.0/message styles/

# by Legolas on 12/23/04 at 18:43:34

Thank you, you were right it was not the theme, it was the voice comand stuff I was fooling with and had open :)

# by Legolas on 12/23/04 at 18:45:50

Nice theme. I like the dark.

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Current Version: 3.2.1
Last Updated: 05/04/05
Images created by Mike Wagner. Code created by Brad Smith and edited by Mike Wagner