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Reverse Words |
Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon) |
DescriptionThis will reverse the words in the {}'s like this:/rw{Hello this is zaudragon!} --> olleH siht si !nogarduaz Hope you like it! BTW I used the code of "Reverse Words" which is on malcolmadams.com/te/scripts/scripts06.shtml CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by zaudragon on 01/17/05 at 22:00:59It's the original script that did that, and look at the name of the script. "Reverse Words" reverses the words, not the sentence!
# by Anonymous on 02/01/05 at 22:58:53You know what would be nice? A script that leaves the first and last letters of the word alone, and randomly rearranges the middle letters.
# by GoldenDragon on 10/05/08 at 17:31:52Mm...I have a similar script, except it reverses the whole text, not only the words. I'm just wondering, why it won't return anything if I pass a string that has some non-ascii characters in it, like ä, ö. It works fine if the string contains only ascii characters. Snip: return do shell script "python -c "print unicode('''" & theText & "''', 'utf-8')[::-1]""
Oh, and on the Terminal, it works just fine with any characters. /reverse{ASCII-compatible string} -> works /reverse{Some non-ASCII compatible text, äöäåÄ} -> does not work Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by on 01/17/05 at 09:16:01